Má bhíonn (aon) ~ agat air, if you have time to spare for it.
Ligeadh a bheo leis, his life was spared.
Má tá aon bhrabach airgid agat, if you have any money to spare.
Ní den chríonnacht an chinnteacht, it is not wise to be too sparing.
Airgead, bia, a choigilt, to spare money, food.
Do namhaid a choigilt, to spare one’s enemy.
Ná ~ mise, don’t spare me; don’t refrain (from doing something) on my account.
~ ar rud, sparing use of sth.
Níl dada le cois na córa aige, he has no more than his share, nothing to spare.
~ faoi bhia, sparing with food.
~ a dhéanamh ar rud, to be sparing with sth.
Go bhfága Dia os cionn do chúraim thú, may God spare you to look after your family.
Ní dhearna sé dhá leath dá dhícheall leis, he spared no pains to do it.
Bhí Dia ~ dó, God looked with favour on him, spared him.
Go bhfana Dia mé lena dhéanamh, may God spare me to do it.
Spáráil na circe fraoigh ar an bh~, ‘the grouse sparing the heather’, unnecessary frugality.
Tá ~ fairsinge againn, we have room to spare.
Bheith ~ faoi rud, to be sparing of sth.
Rachaidh sé ~ go maith orm, it will test me severely; it will leave me no time to spare.
Duine, ainmhí, ~, thin, spare, person, animal.
Dá bhfaighinn ~ air, if I had time to spare for it.
Faoina bheith ~ dom, if I am spared.
Ná bíodh ~ agat air, don’t spare it.
Airgead, bia, éadach, am, a ~, to spare money, food, clothes, time.
Anam a ~, to spare a life.
Má tá cúpla punt le ~ agat, if you can spare a few pounds.
Níor ~ sé an tslat orainn, he didn’t spare the rod on us.
Tá fear ~te againn, we have a spare man.
Bheith ~ ar rud, to be sparing of sth.
Ná bí chomh ~ sin leis an im, don’t be so sparing with the butter.