Chonaic mé ag teacht é ~ cóta mór air, I saw him coming and he was wearing an overcoat.
Bhí culaith ghorm orm, I was wearing a blue suit.
2. Tá an lá ~, the day is wearing on.
Tá an seanduine ag breith (na haimsire) leis go maith, the old man is wearing (his years) well.
Tá do chulaith ag ~eamh go maith, your suit is wearing well.
Tá an croí ag ~eamh aige, his heart is wearing out.
Tá sí á cnaí le buairt, le breoiteacht, she is wearing away with sorrow, with sickness.
Culaith faoi choinne an Domhnaigh, a suit for wearing on Sunday.
Ní cóta a bhí air ach ~í sóirt, he was not wearing a coat but only an excuse for one.
~ in éadach, bad material, wearing quality, in cloth.
Obair dhuaisiúil, tedious, wearing, work.
~na chulaith Dhomhnaigh, wearing his Sunday suit.
Tá sé ina fholach inniu, he has himself well-covered up, is wearing too much clothes, today.
Faoi ghruig, scowling, wearing a sour look.
Páirteanna ~, wearing parts.
Tá mo cheann ~ agaibh, you are giving me grey hairs, wearing me out.
Ba ~ liom dul leo san éadach a bhí orm, I didn’t like to go along with them in the clothes I was wearing.
Tá a sháith de chulaith air, his suit is good enough; what a grand suit he is wearing.
Is maith atá tú á sheasamh, you are wearing your years well.
Ag caitheamh ~í, wearing glasses.
Faoina chuid ~, wearing his decorations.
Bhí seamróg ~ aige, he was wearing a shamrock.
Tá siad ag ~eadh a chéile, they are wearing each other down; they are jostling one another.