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Similar words: baile · buail · buaille · buailte · buile
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buaile could be a grammatical form of: bual » · buail »
buaile1, f. (gs. ~, pl. -lte). 1. Milking-place in summer pasturage. Ní áit ~ ná seanbhaile dom é, I have no claim to the place, it is no place for me. Ní raibh an dara suí sa bhuaile ann, there was no alternative. Thug sí an damhsa ó bhuaile léi, she was well schooled in dancing. S.a. maighdean 4. 2. (a) Fold, enclosure. Do bhuaile bheag caorach is bó, your little pen, herd, of sheep and cows. (b) Small grazing field. 3. Dung-yard. 4. Astr: ~ an Bhodaigh, nebula in Orion. S.a. loscadh 2. (Var: m; buailidh f, gs. ~adh)
buaile2 : bual.
Tá tú in ~ do bhuailte, you are in for a hiding.
Tá sé in ~ a bhuailte, he is in danger of being beaten.
(Is) ~ buailte é, it is a lost game, cause.
Tá mé ~te ag do cheist, your question has me stumped.
Tá an fear sin ~te, that man is beaten, finished.
Tá an lá inniu ~te, there will be no work, no more work, done today.
Ní raibh mé ~te riamh go dtí anois, I was never in such a sorry plight.
Níl tú ~te nuair atá do shláinte agat, you are not too badly off while you have your health.
Tá na barra ~te anuas ag an stoirm, the crops are beaten down by the storm.
5. ~te ar, touching upon, adjoining.
Tá na tithe ~te ar a chéile anseo, the houses here adjoin, are set close together.
Tá sé ~te ar bharr na haille, it is set on the very edge of the cliff.
Bhí an citeal ~te anuas ar an tine, the kettle was down on top of the fire.
Tá a dhá thaobh ~te ar a chéile, its two sides are pressed together; he is extremely thin.
Tá a cheann agus a chosa ~te ar a chéile, he is bent double.
4. ~te le, beside, close to.
Tá an uair, an meán oíche, ~te linn, it is coming near the time, midnight.
Bhí an lá mór ~te linn, the great day was drawing near.
Tá sé ~te síos le fada, he has been bedridden a long time.
3. ~te suas le, laid up, lying, against.
~te suas leis an gcé, lying alongside the quay.
Roth buaile, water-wheel, wheel of water-mill.
Inneall, urlár, buailte, threshing machine, floor.
Láthair an bhuailte, scene of engagement.
Tá an ~ buailte (agus an gaiste tabhartha), the die is cast.
~ buailte, percussion cap.
~ buailte, striking hammer.
~ aláraim, balla, buailte, cuaiche, alarm-, wall-, striking-, cuckoo-, clock.
Tá a chóta bán buailte, déanta, his fortune is made.
Dá mbeadh ~ bhuailte ionat, if you were worth beating.
~ buailte, clis, reatha, teacht abhaile, striking, first, running, home, base.
~ an bhuailte, (layer of straw under) corn-sheaves laid out for threshing.
~ bhuaile, shráide, pied wagtail.
Thug sé ~ bhuailte orm, he made an attempt to strike me.
~ bainte, buailte, crúite, cniotála, fuála, reaping-, threshing-, milking-, knitting-, sewing-, machine.
~ buailte, threshing-floor.
Leath buailte ~ glan, a clear threshing-floor is half the work done.
~ bhuailte, (i) threshing-floor, (ii) battle arena.
bhuailte, cháite, chruaite, flat rock used as floor for threshing, winnowing, drying, grain.
Tá an ~ buailte, the kitty is exhausted.
~ buaile, foot-rot (in cattle).
4. ~ bhuaile, barren cow.
~ buailte, percussion-pin.
Buille a bhí ar shlí a bhuailte, a blow that might well have been struck.
Buailte le ~í, set with studs.
Tá an ~ buailte aige, the hour has struck.
~ buailte, threshing-floor.
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