cuid, f. (gs. coda, pl. codanna). Part; share, portion. 1. Part of whole, some. Codanna a dhéanamh de rud, to divide sth. into parts. Déanta ina chodanna, made in parts, sections. Dhá, trí, chuid, two, three, parts. An dara, an deichiú, ~, the second, the tenth, part. ~ den lá, den obair, part of the day, of the work. ~ de na daoine, some of the people. ~ againn, some of us. ~eile agaibh, den teaghlach, others of you, of the family. An chuid eile den scéal, the rest of the story. Tá ~ den cheart agat, you are partly right. ~ ag teacht agus ~ ag imeacht, some coming and others going. An chuid is mó, the greater, greatest, part. An chuid is measa de, the worst part of it. An chuid is lú de is é is fearr, the less of it the better. Ar an g~ is mó de, for the most part. ~ mhaith airgid, den airgead, a good deal of money, of the money. ~ mhór páipéir, scríbhinní, a lot of paper, of writings. Tá ~ mhór le rá aige, he has a lot to say, he talks a lot. An chuid ghlas, the green part; the green ones. Codanna cothroma, equal parts. I g~ chothrom le, even with. Táimid i g~ chothrom leis an lá, we have done a fair day’s work. Chuardaigh mé ina chodanna beaga é, I searched it minutely. Bhí siad ina gcodanna beaga, ina gcéad ~, air, they were all over him. Bhí siad ina dhá g~ déag le chéile, they were very friendly. Níl aithreachas ná ~ d’aithreachas orm, I am not in the least repentant. An bhfuil tú sásta? Níl ná ~ de shásta. Are you satisfied? Not in the least. Bhí ionadh ~ mhaith air, he was rather surprised. 2. Individual portion. Do chuid a bhaint as rud, to take one’s share of sth.; to make sth. suffice for one’s needs. Do chuid a bheith agat de rud, to have one’s share of sth.; to partake in sth. Bíodh do chuid den spórt agat, join in the sport. Mo chuid den obair, my part of the work. Mo chuid den chomhrá, den bhainis, my share in the conversation, in the wedding festivities. Fuair tú do chuid de, that is all you’ll get of it. Mo chuid éadaigh, bróg, my clothes, shoes. Do chuid leabhar, eolais, your books, knowledge. Ár g~ saothair, trioblóide, our labour, trouble. A chuid fear, saighdiúirí, his men, soldiers. A g~ mac, aithreacha, their sons, fathers. ~ fíona an tsagairt, the priest’s wine. Iníon dá ~, one of her daughters. Long de chuid na Fraince, one of the French ships; a French ship. Mo chuid féin, my own. Rinne sé a chuid féin, he played his part. Gach lá ag baint a chuid féin asainn, each day taking its toll of us. Tá dóigheanna dá chuid féin aige, he has peculiar mannerisms. Bhí ~ aige di, he had sexual intercourse with her. 3. (a) ~ amhrais, iontais, é, it is a matter for suspicion, for surprise. Ní ~ bhuíochais dó é, it is nothing for which he should be thanked. Thar, amach ó, chuid ghrinn de, except in so far as it may be regarded as a joke. Tá ~ súl inti, she is good-looking. ~ chuideachta a dhéanamh de dhuine, to make a laughing-stock of s.o. (b) Níl ~ (na) ranna ann, there is not enough of it to go round. Dá mbeadh ~ bhuailte ionat, if you were worth beating. Níl ~ an tsagairt ann, he will be dead before the priest comes. ~ an bheagáin, mere pittance. ~ is mó, is lú, ná, greater, lesser, amount than. (c) Chuir sé an scian go ~ a dhoirn ann, he plunged the knife to the handle in him. (d) Tá ~ chaite ann, (of cloth) it wears well. Tá ~ mhaireachtála ann, (of person) he is in no danger of death. 4. (Of means of subsistence)Ár g~ a shaothrú, to earn our bread, our living. Do chuid a chaitheamh (ar, le), to spend one’s substance (on). ~ do chomharsan, thy neighbour’s goods. Bheith beo ar chuid na muintire eile, to live at other people’s expense. Tá ár g~ ar Dhia, we rely on God for support. Níl mo chuid ort,I am not dependent on you. ~ d’anama a ghlacadh, to take spiritual sustenance; to receive Communion. ~ na maidine, na hoíche, provision for the morning, for the night; breakfast, supper. Tá ~ na seachtaine istigh aici, she has laid in provisions for the week. Tá a chuid is a chostas aige, he is able to meet all his charges; he is well off. Tá do chuid is do bhuíochas (do chlú, d’oineach) agat, ‘you have your meat and your manners,’ thanks for your offer. Ag bisiú i g~ is i ndaoine, increasing in wealth and population. Ná tréig do chara ar do chuid, don’t forsake a friend for gain, stick to your principles. Mo chuid den saol, my earthly store, my all. Is é a chuid den saol a bheith ag imirt, his only interest is in gambling. A chuid! My dear! S.a. buíochas 1, cú 1, súil 2 (a). 5. (Of food, meals) Do chuid a dhéanamh, to take one’s meal(s), to eat. A chuid a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. his meal(s), to feed s.o. Ina suí ag a g~, sitting down to their meal. Tá lorg, rian, a choda air, he has a well-fed look about him. Ní fiú a chuid é, he is not worth his salt. Ar aon chuid, subsisting on one meal (a day). In aimsir a choda a rugadh é, he always comes at meal-time. S.a. cum 6 (b).(Var: ~e f)
Is doiligh ~ a bhaint as a chuid cainte, it is hard to make sense out of what he says.
Chaith sé a chuid airgid le h~ an tsaoil, he spent his money on pleasure.
Duine amháin, beirt, cuid, agaibh, one, two, some, of you.
Ná h~ a chuid ábhaillí ar an leanbh, don’t punish the child for playing pranks.
Ná h~ a chuid ábhaillí ar an leanbh, don’t blame the child for playing pranks.
~, d’~, a chuid saibhris, for all his wealth.
Níl ~ aige ar a chuid oibre, he is not attentive to his work.
Thug sé ~ dá chuid airgid, he saved his money.
~ air féin, ar a chuid airgid, careful of himself, of his money.
Níl ~ ar a chuid saibhris, he is incalculably rich.
Ní bhfuair sé a chuid in ~, he had to work for his living.
Tá aistí dá chuid féin aige, he has his own peculiar ways.
Is ann a d’fhág sé a chuid allais, he worked the best years of his life there.
Is iomaí lá de mo chuid allais aige, I worked many a hard day for him.
Bhí sé ~ lena chuid airgid, leis an ól, he was over-generous with his money, with drink.
Cuid an lae ~, tomorrow’s share, food.
Tá sé ~ ina chuid éadaigh, he is lost in his clothes.
Tá do chuid ~, your food is served.
Mo chuid d’~ na bliana, my share of trouble for the year.
Cuid d’~a a ghlacadh, to receive communion.
Níl (an) ~ céille aige, he hasn’t got much sense.
~ a dhéanamh ar chuid na muintire eile, to usurp other people’s goods.
Tá a chuid fola ~ leis, he is dripping blood.
Cuid na hA~, Friday provisions.
Uimhir, cuid, a h~, number, part, one.
Cuid an ~ fear déag, an ~ fir déag, the eleventh man’s share.
Cuid an ~ bean déag, na h~ mná déag, the eleventh woman’s share.
Ar tuarastal, ar a chuid, for a salary, for his meals.
Tá ár gcuid ar Dhia, we are depending on God’s providence.
Tá a chuid aráin ite, it is all up with him.
Tháinig an t-~ ar an ~ (agus tháinig mo chuid féin ormsa de), the times have changed utterly (and I have changed along with them).
Is doiligh cuid de na daoine a athrú, it is difficult to move, influence, some people.
Chuir sí ~ ar a cuid gruaige, a cuid éadaigh, she did her hair, tidied her clothes.
Níor bhain sin de a chuid a dhéanamh, that did not prevent him from taking his meals.
Bhánaigh sé a chuid talaimh, he cleared his land (of stock, crops).
Tá cuid eile againn ar do bharúil, there are others of us who think as you do.
Baineadh ~ as mo chuid cainte, an inference was drawn from what I said.
An dtig leat ~ a bhaint as a chuid cainte? Can you tell exactly what he says?
An chuid is lú de, the least part of it.
Ar an gcuid is lú, at least.
Chuaigh mé cuid den bhealach leis, I accompanied him part of the way.
Níl ~ agam oraibh, ar bhur gcuid cainte, I am indifferent to you, I care not what you say.
Níl i do chuid cainte ach cur i gcéill, what you say is mere pretence.
Níl ~ aige ar a chuid, he has no appetite for his meals.
Tá ~ na fírinne, na mailíse, ar a chuid cainte, what he says smacks of truth, of malice.
Níl ~ na hÉireann ar a chuid cainte, he does not speak like an Irishman.
Tá ~ agus dath ar a chuid cainte, his speech is clear and colourful.
Chuir sé ~ ar a chuid airgid, he put his money to good use.
~ scoilte a chur i do chuid gruaige, to part one’s hair.
Cuid an bhodaigh thall ar an m~ abhus, robbing Peter to pay Paul.