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cuir could be a grammatical form of: cur »
cuir1, v.t. & i. (vn. cur, pp. curtha). 1. Sow, plant. Síol, coirce, a chur, to sow seed, oats. Crainn, fál, a chur, to plant trees, a hedge. Garraí, gort, a chur, to sow a garden, a field. 2. Bury. (a)Duine a chur, to bury a person. Chuir sé a mhuintir uile, he buried, outlived, all his people. (b)Taisce a chur, to bury treasure. 3. (a) Set, lay. Gaiste a chur, to set a trap. Cábla a chur, to lay a cable. Baoi a chur, to put down a buoy. Potaí gliomach a chur, to set lobster pots. Líon a chur, to cast a net. Tuí a chur, to lay thatch. Glas a chur, to engage a lock. Greim a chur, to put a stitch in. Snaidhm a chur, to tie a knot. Faobhar a chur, to set an edge. (b) Put, place. Cá gcuirfidh mé é? Where will I put it? ~ os cionn an dorais é, put it over the door. 4. Seek out, trace to source. Lorg, boladh, a chur, to follow a trail, a scent. Tuairisc a chur, to make inquiries. Eolas a chur, to seek information. Níor chuir mé an scéal níos faide, I didn’t pursue the matter any further. 5. Propound. Ceist a chur, to put a question. Tomhas a chur, to give out a conundrum. Bhí siad ag cur is ag cúiteamh, they were arguing back and forth. Ó chuir tú mar sin é, since you have put it that way. 6. Propel. Chuir sé an meáchan leathchéad troigh, he put the shot fifty feet. 7. (a) (Of engagement) Cath a chur, to engage in battle. Cogadh a chur, to wage a war. (b) (Of achievement) Cluiche a chur, to win a game. Báire a chur, to score a goal. 8. (a) (Of wager) Geall a chur, to make a bet. ~fidh mé punt, I’ll bet a pound. (b) (Of bid) Chuir sé céad punt é, he raised the bid for it to one hundred pounds. (c) (Of estimate) Chuirfinn deich dtonna é, I would estimate it at ten tons. 9. (Of use of time, of resources) (a)Chuir sé a shaol go hainnis, he passed his life miserably. Sin mar a chuir mé an lá, that is how I spent the day, (b)Níor chuir tú an t-airgead ina cheart, you did not use the money properly. 10. (With vn.) Set, cause, to do sth. Duine a chur a luí, to put s.o. to bed. Rud a chur á dhéanamh, to arrange to get sth. done. Rud a chur ag gabháil, ag oibriú, to set sth. going, working. 11. Send. Teachtaire a chur, to send a messenger. Litir a chur, to send a letter. ~ abhaile iad, send them home. ~eadh go Meiriceá é, he was sent to America. 12. (a) Send out. Fréamhacha a chur, to strike roots. (b) Send down. Fearthainn, sneachta, a chur, to rain, to snow. Tá sé ag cur (fearthainne) go trom, it is raining heavily. (c) Shed. Allas, fuil, a chur, to sweat, to bleed. An craiceann a chur, to slough skin. An fionnadh a chur, (of animal) to shed coat. An cluimhreach a chur, (of bird) to moult. An duilliúr, an bláth, a chur, to shed leaves, flowers.
cuir2. 1. gs. of cur1. 2. m = cur1.
1) Bhí orm a chur, a cur, a gcur, ar scoil, I had to send him, her, them, to school.
An fear a chuireann síol, the man who sows seed.
An síol a chuireann sé, a chuirtear, the seed which he sows, which is sown.
An síol a cuireadh, a d’fhás, the seed which was sown, which grew.
An gort a gcuirfidh sé an síol ann, the field in which he will sow the seed.
Chuir sé ~ orm é, he persuaded me of it.
Cuir uait an ~, stop playing like a child.
Cuir leis an ~ é, get rid of it.
Chuirfeadh sé thar an ~ tirim thú, he is free with his promises.
Cuirim mar ~ ort, I entreat you.
Chuir sé ~ ann, he attached a condition to it.
Chuaigh sé, chuir sé é féin, thar a ~ leis, he overstrained himself at it, overdid it.
Chuir sí a ceann in ~ an anró, she made an unfortunate marriage.
An bhean is breátha a chuir a haghaidh le h~, the most beautiful woman ever born.
Cuir uait na hagallaimh sin ort, give over your waggishness.
Ná cuir aon ~ ann, raise no objections to it.
Ó théann (sé) ~ go dtéann, ná cuir bac air, since he is going, which he is, don’t stop him.
Chuir sé ~ sa scéal, he added to, qualified, the statement.
Chuir sé ~ orm, he made me feel embarrassed.
Cuir d’~ leis, set your mind to it.
Chuir an bia ~ ann, the food cheered him.
Chuirfeadh sé ~ ar do chroí, it would delight your heart.
Ná cuir in ~ é, don’t ravel it.
Cuir síos d’~ leis, enter your name for it.
Cuir ar ~ é, send, put, it back.
Chuirfeadh sé ~ ort, it is disgusting.
Chuir sé ~ air féin, (i) he took the roundabout way, (ii) he put himself out of his way (to do sth.).
Chuir sé as a n-~ iad, he sent them astray.
Chuir siad ~ na mbó maol ar a chéile, they quarrelled on first acquaintance.
Ag cur allais, sweating.
Chuir sé ~ na gcnámh, he sweated hard; he worked hard for a living.
Ag cur thart an ~a, passing the time.
Cuir ~ iad, put them out.
Ag cur ~ na bpéacán, an duilliúir, sending forth shoots, leaves.
Ag cur ~ tomhas, giving out riddles.
An cur ~ sin, that expression.
Cuireadh ~ air gur ghoid sé é, he was reported to have stolen it.
Ná cuir taobh tuathail ~ é, don’t turn it inside out.
Thug, chuir, mé in ~ labhairt leis, I felt like speaking to him; I was about to speak to him (but didn’t).
Ag cur a ~a amach ag gáire, breaking his heart laughing.
Cuir ~ ionat féin, look alive, bestir yourself.
Cuirfidh tú ~ ort féin ag casadh do bhéil mar sin, you will distort your face grimacing like that.
Cuirfidh sé é féin in ~, he will come to harm.
Cuir do lámh ~ tharam, put your arm over me (from behind).
Cuir casóg ~ thar do shlinneáin, pull a coat over your shoulders.
Níor chuir mé aon duine ~ ná as, I made no reference to anybody in particular.
Chuir sé an fharraige ~ de, he crossed the sea.
Cuir ~ é, put it there.
Cuir an t-éadach leapa ~ air, cover him with the bedclothes.
Chuir sí ciarsúr ~ ar a ceann, she covered her head with a handkerchief.
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