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mall, a. (gsm. ~, gsf. & comp. moille, npl. ~a). 1. Slow. Coiscéim mhall, slow, sluggish, step. Caint mhall, slow speech. Fás ~, tardy growth. Obair mhall, slow, tedious, work. Tine mhall, slow-burning fire. Súil mhall, lingering eye. S.a. 1, pairilis. 2. Late. Bheith ~ ag rud, to be late for sth. Tá sé ~ san oíche, it is late in the night. Is ~ a lig tú é, you left it late. Fómhar ~, late harvest. Prátaí ~a, late potatoes. Aithrí mhall, late repentance. Tá an clog cúig nóiméad ~, the clock is five minutes slow. S.a. brách1.
Mall ag an traein, late for the train.
~ moille, time lag.
Níl an ~ mhall maith; ní hé am na hola am na h~, late repentance is not good.
An t-~ mall, old time.
Is fearr go mall, go deireanach, ná go ~, better late than never.
~ luath, mall, a bit soon, late.
~ mhall, ghéar, bhriste, slow, sharp, broken, speech.
Is minic a bhí ~ mall sona, ‘a lagging hound was often lucky’, better late than never.
Bricfeasta maith, suipéar mall, a dhéanamh, to take a good breakfast, a late supper.
Dhá dtrian moille le ~, more haste less speed.
Ag ~eacht go mall, ar rothaí, ó áit go háit, moving slowly, on wheels, from place to place.
Go mall aréir, late last night.
Go mall san oíche, late at night.
Ar ~ nó ar moille, sooner or later.
~ nó mall, early or late, sooner or later.
Is fearr go ~ ná go mall, better early than late.
~ na dtaoidí, lag of tides.
~eann muilte Dé go mall, God’s mill grinds slow (but sure).
~ (is) déanach, go ~ is go mall, early and late, constantly.
~ (nó) mall é, be it sooner or later.
Rud a chur chun ~e, to delay, postpone, sth.
Ní tráth ~e é, there is no time for dallying; the matter brooks no delay.
Aga ~e, time lag.
Ar thoradh ~e, after some delay, at length.
Tá a choiscéim ag dul i ~, he is getting slow of step.
Bhí an lá ag dul i ~, it was getting late in the day.
~ radhairc, dimness of vision.
Gan ~ moille, without much delay.
Bhí sé ní ba mhoille ~ (mar) a shíl mé, it was later than I thought.
~ mhall, creeping paralysis.
1. ~í luatha, malla, early, late, potatoes.
Coiscéim mhall ~, slow and deliberate step.
Bhí ~ mall san oíche, it was late at night.
An ~ is luaithe, is moille, at the earliest, latest.
~ mhall, slow wooing.
Ar thoradh moille, after some delay, after a while.
Ní ~ moille é, it is no time for delay.
Gan a thuilleadh moille, without further delay.
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