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trá could be a grammatical form of: tráigh »
trá1, f. (gs. ~, pl. ~nna).1. Strand, beach. ~ ardaithe, raised beach. Na ~nna bána, the white strands. ~ ghainimh, ghrin, sandy, gravelly, beach. ~ chorr, ruacan, sand-eel, cockle, strand. ~ feamainne, (portion of) strand for, covered with, seaweed. Ag iarraidh an dá thrá a fhreastal, trying to do two things at once. Fágadh ar an ~ fholamh iad, they were left destitute. Ar an ~ thirim, high and dry. Ní imeoidh an ~ is an timpeall orainn, if we can’t go by the strand we can go round, we’ll manage one way or another. Ar an ~ thall, on the far shore, beyond the grave. S.a. cnuasach 2, gobadán 1(a), laidhrín 2, píobaire 2(b), talamh 7. 2. (Beach at) low water. Tá sé ina thrá (mhara), the tide is out. Ag dul i d~, ebbing; running dry. S.a. éalú 2, íochtar 1, lag13.
trá2, m. (gs. ~ite).1. vn. of tráigh1. 2. Ebb. ~ agus tuile, ebb and flow. 3. Subsidence, decline. ~ tuile, abatement of flood. ~ tobair, drying up of well. ~ brí, waning of strength.
trá3, adv. & conj. Lit: Then, indeed; however. Cidh ~ acht, at any rate. (Var:tra)
trá4 = treá1.
ón trá, as an tobar, up from the strand, out of the well.
Ar bhéal, i m~, an bhóthair, na trá, fronting the road, the strand.
Tá sé céad slat as seo, míle ón trá, siúl uaire chun na páirce, it is a hundred yards from here, a mile from the strand, an hour’s walk to the park.
~ trá, cladaigh, shell-fish, edible seaweed.
~ trá, scurvy-grass.
Lasmuigh de bhriseadh na trá, beyond where the waves break on the strand.
~ (trá), bits of seaweed strewn on beach.
~ trá, dunlin.
Ar chiumhais na trá, na mara, on the edge of the strand, of the sea.
~ uisce, thrá, pond, sea, slater.
~ trá, beach platform.
~ coille, trá, gleanings of woodland, of seashore.
~ trá a bhreith go hInse, carrying coals to Newcastle.
Bhí an bád caite ina ~ ar an trá, the boat was cast as a hulk on the strand.
Tháinig siad isteach ~ na trá, they came in by the strand.
~ duimhche, trá, sea-holly.
~ trá, ~ airde, dulse washed up by tide.
~ mara agus trá, ebb and flow.
Chomh ~ le móin, le féar, le gaineamh na trá, as plentiful as turf, as grass, as the sand on the sea-shore.
~ ghainimh, trá, seaweed growing on strand.
~ trá, sea-fennel.
I bh~, ag ~, le chéile faoi dhul chun na trá, vying with each other as to which of them should go to the strand.
An dá thrá a fhreastal, to try to do two things at the same time, to serve two masters.
Ar ghaire trá, convenient to a strand.
Tuile ~ trá, unebbing, never-ending, flood.
Ní thig leis an n~ an dá thrá a fhreastal, one cannot be everywhere, attend to everything, at once.
~ thrá, sea-urchin.
In imeall na trá, at the edge of the strand.
~ trá, cladaigh, outer strand, shore, exposed at low tide.
~ tuile, trá, flow, ebb.
Míle ~ ón trá, a mile in from the strand.
(Le) ~ trá, (at) low tide.
~ trá rabharta, spring tide at its lowest ebb.
~ dearg, ~ trá, redshank.
~ trá, sandy creek.
Ag ~adh is ag trá, ebbing and flowing.
Chomh ~ le gaineamh na trá, as numerous as the sands on the sea-shore.
Tá sé ina ~ trá, the tide is fully out.
~ trá, sand-hopper.
~ann na carraigeacha le lag trá, the rocks become exposed at low tide.
Foireann ó Thrá Lí, a team from Tralee.
~ trá, turnstone.
~ trá, sandpiper.
~ thrá, sea-kale.
Tá na carraigeacha ag teacht ~ leis an taoide thrá, the rocks are appearing with the ebb-tide.
~a trá, wavelets on strand.
~ chloiche, ~ trá, fixed, shore-, net.
Tá a theachsan cois na trá agus a dteachsan ar an ard, his house is by the strand and their house on the hill.
An bád a shaothrú isteach ar an trá, to haul the boat on to the strand.
Tá an trá, an sceir, ag ~adh, the strand, the reef, is becoming exposed.
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