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Similar words: ealú · éadú · éamú · méalú · néalú
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éalú could be a grammatical form of: éalaigh »
éalú, m. (gs. -laithe). 1. vn. of éalaigh. 2. Escape; evasion; elopement; (unheeded) passage (of time, of tide). ~ mara agus trá, ebb and flow. S.a. doras 1.
Bhí sé d’~ orm éalú uathu, I had the good fortune to escape from them.
~ aeir, bus, éalaithe, mara, trádála, air, bus, escape, sea, trade, route.
~ shiúil, éalaithe, theite, path of travel, of escape, of retreat.
Éalú as ~í duine, to escape from s.o.’s clutches.
~ éalaithe, emergency door.
Éalú as príosún, to escape from prison.
Éalú ón tóir, to evade the pursuit.
Éalú as pionós, to evade a penalty.
Éalú le fear, to elope with a man.
Thug mé iarraidh ar éalú as an seomra, I tried to slip out of the room.
Tá an oíche ag éalú, the night is slipping away.
Bhí a bhríste ag éalú síos air, his trousers were slipping down on him.
~ éalaithe, way of escape.
Fuair siad éalú air, they succeeded in eluding him.
~ éalaithe, escape-hole.
Is ~ dom, tá sé de ~ agam, éalú liom, I mean to slip away.
~ éalaithe, outfall.
~ éalaithe, underground escape passage.
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