trioblóid, f. (gs. ~e, pl. ~í). Trouble, affliction. ~ a bheith ort faoi rud, to be troubled about sth. Tá sé i d~, he is in trouble. ~ a chur ar dhuine, to trouble s.o. Ní chuirfeadh sé de thrioblóid air féin é a dhéanamh, he wouldn’t take the trouble to do it. ~ a tharraingt ar dhuine, to get s.o. into trouble. Fuair sé a lán ~e uaidh, it gave him a lot of trouble. ~ aigne, intinne, mental distress. Cad é do thrioblóid? What ails you? A thrioblóid a chásamh le duine, to sympathize with s.o. on his bereavement. Ní maith liom do thrioblóid, I am sorry for your trouble (expression of sympathy with bereaved person). S.a. tairbhe 1 (a).
Bhí a bheag nó a mhór de thrioblóid leis, it was troublesome to some extent.
Fuair mé ar bheagán trioblóide é, I had no trouble in getting it.
Ár g~ saothair, trioblóide, our labour, trouble.
~ ar an trioblóid a bheadh leis, consider the amount of trouble it would cause.
Tinneas, trioblóid, a chur díot, to get over sickness, trouble.
Trioblóid, achrann, a dhéanamh, to make trouble, difficulty.
Gleo, trioblóid, an diabhail, devilish din, trouble.
An ~ trioblóide, a great deal of trouble.
~acht (amach) as trioblóid, to stay out of trouble.
Trioblóid a ghlacadh le rud, to take trouble with sth.
I bhfiacha, i dtrioblóid, in debt, in trouble.
D’~ sé a thrioblóid dom, he told me what his trouble was.
Aithním go bhfuil trioblóid ar ~ agat, I can see that you have a load of trouble on your mind.
Tá costas, saothar, trioblóid, leis, it entails cost, labour, trouble.
Ag ~ trioblóide, courting trouble.
Táimid ~ leat i do thrioblóid, we sympathize with you in your sorrow; we share in your sorrow.
Tá trioblóid ag ~t leis, it involves trouble.
~ ar an trioblóid atá leis, think of the trouble it entails.
Tugann siad cuid mhór trioblóide, they give a lot of trouble.
Ní fiú an ~ an trioblóid, the game is not worth the candle.
Achrann, trioblóid, cogadh, a tharraingt, to cause strife, trouble, a war.
Trioblóid a thógáil, to cause trouble.
~ trioblóide, troublemaking.
~ chun trioblóide, ready to cause trouble.