tusa, emphatic pron., 2 sg. You. 1. (As subject of vb. and with copula, or with copula understood) Bhí ~ ann freisin, you were there also. (Is) ~ a rinne é, it was you who did it. 2. (Form thusa used as object of vb. and in lieu of emphatic suffix with imperative vb.) Thréig sí thusa ar fhear eile, she deserted you for another man. Gabh thusa abhaile, you go home.
Déan thusa ~, do you accordingly.
Tusa a chuir ~ leis, you started it.
Tusa is ~ leis, you are the real cause of it.
Tusa is ~ leis an scéal, leis an rud ar fad, you invented the story, started the whole thing.
Bíonn tusa i gcónaí ar thús ~a, you always take the lead, act as ringleader.
Gheobhaidh tusa do chandam féin, you will get your own share, what is coming to you.
Cé thusa? Cé thú féin? Who are you?
~ acu mise nó tusa é, whether it be me or you.
Déan thusa an ~, give you the signal.
Caithfidh tusa a bheith ~ leis an saol mór, you choose to be different to everybody else.
~ atá mé a rá (agus ní tusa), I refer to him (not to you).
Is beag é ~ a bhfuair tusa, it is little compared with what you got.
Tusa (tú) ~, you yourself.
~ thusa an t-áth, you go by the ford.
Trua gan tusa i m’~, I wish you were in my position.
Mise ~ agus tusa amárach, it is my turn today and yours tomorrow; we must all await our call.
Murab ~ is tusa, which may not be the case with you; unlike you.
Ná bí thusa ag cur do ladair sa scéal, don’t you put in your oar.
Ná bí thusa ar aon nós leo, don’t you take after their fashion.
~ thusa na carranna atá romhat, follow you the cars ahead of you.
Luaigh sé ~ agus tusa, he mentioned you and me.
~b ionann is tusa, unlike you.
~ bhain tusa ciall eile as? Did you not take it to mean something else?
Mise ~ tusa atá sé a mhaíomh, he is referring either to me or to you.
Níl tusa ~ níos fearr ná é, you are not one bit better than he is.
Ná bí thusa ~ leo, don’t you join in with them.
2. Conas a ráiníonn go bhfuil tusa anseo? How is it that you are here?
Gabh thusa romhainn, you go ahead of us, take the lead.
Ná ~ thusa thú féin isteach sa chomhrá, don’t you intrude yourself into the conversation.
Cé ~ thusa? Who is this you are?
Ná cuir thusa do shoc sa scéal, don’t you stick your nose into the business.
Tusa an ceann sprice againn, you are our last recourse.
Tusa a thug an slaghdán sin dom, it was you who gave me that cold.
~ is tusa do rinne, since it was you who did it.
Ná bí thusa i gcónaí ag teacht ar an duine deireanach, don’t you be always the last person to come.
Tusa ~ dhuine ar bith eile, you of all people.
Eisean a rinne é ach tusa a d’~ é, he did it but you put him up to it.