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Similar words: éilic · éirim · éiriú · féiric · airéic
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His blood is on his own head, air féin atá an éiric.
In compensation for, in éiric (ruda), in ómós (ruda), mar chúiteamh ar (rud).
Penalty clause (in contract), alt m éirice.
As a recompense for his trouble, in éiric ar cuireadh de dhua air.
In requital for the wrong, in éiric na héagóra.
In revenge, in éiric(for sth., ruda).
To demand satisfaction, éiric a iarraidh, cúiteamh a éileamh.
To serve s.o. out for sth., éiric, sásamh, ruda a bhaint as duine.
He will make you smart for it, bainfidh sé éiric asat.
F: I'll take it out of him, bainfidh mé éiric as.
Lit: To wash out an insult in blood, fuil a dhoirteadh in éiric mhasla.
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