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dál could be a grammatical form of: ál »
When he addresses the House, nuair a labhraíonn sé sa Dáil.
The House of Commons, Dáil f Shasana; Teach na dTeachtaí.
F: The House, (i) Parl: An Dáil. (ii) Fin: An malartán m (stoc).
Marriage settlement, dáil f, cleamhnas m.
F: To race a bill through the House, bille a ropadh tríd an Dáil.
Upon the rising of the House, ar scor don Dáil.
To rush a bill through the Dáil, bille a ropadh tríd an Dáil.
He has a seat in the Dáil, tá ionad sa Dáil aige.
Parl: The Dáil is in session, tá an Dáil ina suí.
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