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Do as you like, déan mar is áil leat (féin).
Do as you desire, déan mar is áil leat féin.
Would you like me to go? an áil leat mé a dhul? ar mhaith leat go rachainn?
As you like, mar is maith, fearr, áil, mian, leat féin.
Suppose you helped me instead of looking on, dá mb'áil leat cabhrú liom in áit a bheith ansin ag féachaint orm.
Love me love my dog, más ionúin an chráin is ionúin an t-ál.
That is not what I meant to say, ní shin é ab áil, ba mhian, liom a rá.
Mother hen, cearc f áil.
Why need he bother us? cad ab áil leis ag cur isteach orainn?
If you would only come in time, dá mb'áil leat teacht in am.
To set a clutch, ál a chur faoi chearc.
To make a virtue of necessity, áil a dhéanamh den éigean.
A: What wilt thou? cad is mian leat? cad is áil leat?
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