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sitting could be a grammatical form of: sit »
New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for sitting »
sitting1, a. 1 Suite, (duine) ina shuí. 2 (Of tribunal) I dtionól, ina shuí. 3 Sitting hen, cearc ar gor.
sitting2, s. 1 Suí m. Sitting and standing room, áit suite agus áit seasaimh. 2 a To serve five hundred people at one sitting, cúig chéad a chur chun boird in éineacht. F: To write two chapters at one sitting, dhá chaibidil a scríobh as éadan. b Tionól m, suí m. 3 Suíochán m (in eaglais) in áirithe. 4 a (Of hen) Gor m. b Ál m (uibheacha).
Sitting amongst her children, ina suí i measc a clainne.
One day as I was sitting ..., lá amháin agus mé in mo shuí . . .
He was sitting on the floor, bhí sé ina shuí ar an urlár.
F: He was sitting bodkin, bhí sé ina shuí agus é dingthe idir bheirt.
Sitting on his haunches, ina shuí ar a ghrog, ar a ghogaide.
Sitting-room on a level with the garden, seomra suí ar chothrom an ghairdín.
We had two ladies sitting opposite, bhí beirt bhan ina suí ar ár n-aghaidh amach.
Sitting over the fire, i do shuí os cionn na tine.
Private sitting, suí príobháideach.
To remain sitting, fanacht i do shuí.
We were sitting in front of a roaring fire, bhíomar inár suí os comhair craos tine.
Sitting over his work, cromtha os cionn a chuid oibre.
Sitting over a pipe, i do shuí ag diurnú píopa.
Sitting over a book, sáite i leabhar.
To find a hare sitting, teacht ar ghiorria ina luí.
To shoot a bird sitting, éan luite a chaitheamh.
Bed-sitting-room, seomra suite is codlata.
To usher s.o. into the sitting-room, duine a threorú, a sheoladh, isteach sa pharlús.
The two men between whom she was sitting, an bheirt fhear a raibh sí ina suí eatarthu.
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