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sitting could be a grammatical form of: sit »
Ina suí ag a g~, sitting down to their meal.
Is fusa titim ná éirí, it is easier to fall than to rise, easier to get into difficulties than to get out of them. (Of sitting position)
~acht i do shuí, i do sheasamh, to remain sitting, standing.
Ina shuí ar a ghaireanáta, sitting on his hunkers.
(Giorria, etc.) ar a ghrot, (a hare, etc.) sitting up, on its hunkers.
Bheith i do luí, i do shuí, i do sheasamh, to be lying, sitting, standing.
Tá sé i ~ an tsnátha ghil, he is sitting pretty.
Tá tú ~ i do shuí ansin, you must be weary sitting there.
D’imigh ~ cúirte orm, I missed a court sitting.
Bheith i do shuí go ~, to be sitting in comfort; to be comfortably well off.
~ suí, sitting-room.
Bheith i do shuí, i do luí, go ~, to be sitting, lying, in comfort.
Tá siad ina suí ansin go ~, they are sitting there happy and content.
Bhíomar inár ~ timpeall, ar na binsí, ar aghaidh a chéile, we were sitting around, on the benches, facing one another.
Tá siad ina ~ ansin go suaimhneach, they are sitting there peacefully.
Bhí ~ táilliúra air, he was sitting cross-legged (like a tailor).
Níl an chúirt ina ~ inniu, the court is not sitting today.
~ speisialta, special sitting.
Cearc ina ~ ar uibheacha, a hen sitting on eggs.
~ a dhéanamh, to hold a sitting.
Níl ~ na hoíche maith agat, sitting up at night is not good for you.
Nár fhág sibh an ~ fós? Are you still sitting round the fire?
Fágadh ina shuí ar a thóin é, he was left sitting there with nothing to do, left stranded.
Bhí siad ina suí i d~ an bhus, they were sitting in the front part of the bus.
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