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Similar words: adeir · deirc · deire · deirg · deirí
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deir could be a grammatical form of: abair »
According to himself, más fíor dó féin, de réir mar a deir sé féin.
He is amongst those who say . . ., tá sé ar dhuine den mhuintir a deir ...
As Plato has it, mar a deir Platón.
It is he who says it, eisean a deir é.
It is I who say it, (is) mise a deir é.
It is said that . . ., deirtear, deir siad, tá sé ráite, go . . .
The climate is not as bad as you make it, níl an aeráid chomh dona agus a deir tú.
Some men say . . ., tá daoine ann a deir ...
Does he mean what he says, an bhfuil sé dáiríre sa rud a deir sé? an bhfuil sé ar a chroí?
As we were starting what must he do but cut his finger, nuair a bhíomar ag imeacht céard deir tú leis a ghearr a mhéar! céard a dhéanfadh sé ach a mhéar a ghearradh!
What he says is opposed to all reason, tá an ní a deir sé bunoscionn ar fad le réasún; níl an rud a deir sé ag luí le réasún ar chor ar bith.
In legal parlance, mar a deir lucht dlí.
People say, deir siad, deirtear.
What do you say? cad é a deir tú?
As people say, as they say, mar a deir siad, a deirtear.
(Report) They say that, it is said that . . ., deir siad, deirtear, tá sé ráite, go . . .
It is she who says it, ise a deir é.
He states positively that he heard it, deir sé go cinnte gur chuala sé é.
According to his own story, de réir mar a deir sé féin; más fíor dó féin.
There are those who say that..., táid ann a deir go . . .
He says that, it is true that, he will come, deir sé go, is fíor go, dtiocfaidh sé.
It is they who say it, iadsan a deir é.
What (did you say)? céard a deir tú?F: céard é féin?
In the words of. . ., mar a deir . . .
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