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Arch of saddle, droim m diallaite.
You are barking up the wrong tree, tá an diallait ar an gcapall contráilte agat.
Mil: To sound the boot and saddle, glaoch chun na diallaite.
Harn: (Saddle-)bow, corrán m diallaite.
v.tr. (Of horse) To buck s.o. off, duine a chaitheamh (as an diallait).
The saddle galls him, tá an diallait ag adhaint air.
Saddle-girth, giorta diallaite.
To horse! sa diallait!
To keep the saddle, fanacht sa diallait.
To mount s.o. on a horse, (i) duine a chur sa diallait; (ii) capall a sholáthar do (shaighdiúir).
Cy: Saddle pillar, stoc m na diallaite.
Equit: To pound in the saddle, bheith ag éirí sa diallait.
He rides twelve stone, dhá chloch dhéag a mheáchan sa diallait.
Hunting saddle, diallait fiaigh.
To vault into the saddle, dul de léim sa diallait.
To be in the saddle, (i) bheith sa diallait; (ii) bheith i gceannas.
He was thrown out of the saddle, cuireadh as an diallait é.
Equit: He kept his seat, d'fhan sé sa diallait.
He lost his seat, cuireadh as an diallait é.
(Of rider) He has a good seat, tá greim maith ar an diallait aige.
F: To put the shoe on the right foot, an diallait a chur ar an each cóir.
To sit a horse well, suí go maith sa diallait.
He swung (himself) into the saddle, chuaigh sé d'aon iarracht, glan ascartha, sa diallait.
To horse! sa diallait!
He was unhorsed, cuireadh as an diallait é; leagadh den chapall é.
Turf: 'Airgead Síos' with Blake up, Airgead Síos agus an Blácach sa diallait.
To vault into the saddle, dul de léim glan oscartha sa diallait.
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