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Similar words: fail · áil · fáilí · fáilt · fáim
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fáil could be a grammatical form of: faigh » · fál »
I am all abroad, níl bun ná barr le fáil agam air.
Knowledge accessible to everyone, eolas atá le fáil ag gach aon duine.
Accounts receivable, cuntais fála.
To make acquaintances, aithne a fháil ar dhaoine.
To gain the advantage over s.o., buntáiste a fháil ar dhuine.
To take medical advice, barúil f dochtúra a fháil.
To suffer an affront (at the hands of s.o.), masla a fháil (ó dhuine).
Complete list on application, an liosta iomlán le fáil ach é a iarraidh.
To attain knowledge, eolas a fháil.
Capital that can be made available, caipiteal is féidir a chur ar fáil.
To become aware of sth., fios ruda a fháil.
It was not to be found, ní raibh sé le fáil, ní raibh aon fháil air,
To get the better of s.o., (i) an ceann is fearr a fháil ar dhuine; (ii) (cheat) cleas a imirt ar dhuine, dul i mbarr ruda ar dhuine.
To break down all opposition, bua a fháil ar gach rud dá bhfuil sa bhealach.
To get the cane, an tslat a fháil.
(Of money) It carries interest, tá gaimbín le fáil air.
To catch s.o. out in a lie, duine a fháil amach bréagach.
F: To touch the right chord, an t-áth a fháil ar dhuine; lag a bhaint (as duine).
To get the chuck, an bóthar, an tsráid, a fháil.
To come through an illness, biseach a fháil, téarnamh, ó thinneas.
The money at my command, an t-airgead a bhfuil fáil agam air.
F: He is on short commons, tá sé ag fáil ganntain.
If I could find some congenial employment, dá bhféadfainn obair a fháil d'oiriúnódh mé.
For a consideration, ach cúiteamh (airgid) a fháil.
To cope with a difficulty, an ceann is fearr, an lámh in uachtar, a fháil ar dheacracht.
To make a corner in wheat, monaplacht a fháil ar an gcruithneacht.
F: To get sth. on the crook, rud a fháil le caimiléireacht.
To die a violent death, anbhás a fháil.
To pay the debt of, to, nature, bás a fháil.
To take a degree, céim a fháil.
To depart (from) this life, bás a fháil, séalú.
To destroy the letters, na litreacha a dhíothú, a chur ó fháil.
To be dying, bheith ag fáil, ag saothrú, báis.
To die of hunger, bás a fháil den ocras.
To die a natural death, bás le hadhairt a fháil.
To die by inches, bás a fháil go mall righin.
All traces of the language have disappeared from the district, níl aon rian den teanga le fáil sa cheantar.
To fall into disrepute, drochainm a fháil.
To die in a ditch, bás a fháil cois an chlaí.
Rugby: To drop a goal, cúl a fháil le dropchic.
Prayers for the dying, paidreacha ar son na ndaoine atá ag fáil bháis.
To die early, bás a fháil go hóg, roimh aois.
To find employment for s.o., obair a fháil do dhuine.
To make a good end, bás naofa a fháil.
To meet one's end, bás a fháil.
In existence, ann, ar fáil.
John expects help from you, tá Seán ag brath ar chabhair a fháil uait.
Still extant, a mhaireann fós, ar fáil fós.
(In Parliament) To catch the Speaker's eye, cead cainte a fháil ón gCeann Comhairle.
To fall by the sword, bás de rinn a fháil.
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