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Similar words: Goth · gruth · gumh · gush · gut
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v.tr.He was bellowing out a song, bhí sé ag gabháil fhoinn in ard a chinn is a ghutha.
The two voices blend, tá an dá ghuth ag cur le chéile.
His voice is beginning to break, tá an guth ag tosú ag briseadh aige.
Breaking of the voice, (i) (at manhood) briseadh m gutha; (ii) (with emotion) tocht m -a.
Cadence of the voice, (i) Ísliú gutha; (ii) tuin f cainte.
His voice carries well, tá an-réim, ligean, faoina ghuth.
Clear voice, guth soiléir, gléineach.
The vocal cords, téada mpl gutha.
Cracked voice, guth briste.
Deliberative voice, guth tomhaiste.
v.tr.He droned (out) the prayers, dúirt sé na paidreacha de ghuth neámhaí.
He filled the air with his cries, bhéic sé in ard a chinn is a ghutha.
Languid voice, guth fann, faon.
He lost his voice, theip an guth air.
Loss of voice, teip f an ghutha.
In a loud voice, de ghuth ard; os ard; go hard.
The voice of the nation, guth na ndaoine; guth an phobail.
The vocal organs, gléasanna mpl an ghutha.
Mus: To pitch one's voice higher, lower, airde an ghutha, a ardú, a ísliú.
Quavering voice, guth creathánach.
Raised voice, guth ard.
Resonant voice, guth glórach.
Round voice, guth bog binn.
Rude voice, guth garbh.
Shaky voice, guth creathach.
He accepted like a shot, ba é sin an guth a fuair a fhreagra.
To pass over sth. in silence, gan guth ar bith a thabhairt ar rud.
Silky voice, guth caoin, síodúil.
Slender voice, guth fann, caol.
Smooth voice, guth séimh.
Soft voice, guth mín, caoin.
The sound of his voice, foghar a ghutha.
She has no voice to speak of, níl guth ar bith aici ar fiú trácht air.
Ling: Stress(-accent), béim f gutha, aiceann m.
Strong voice, guth láidir, tréan.
Tenor voice, guth m teanóir.
Tense voice, guth tochta.
Thin voice, guth caol.
Full-toned voice, guth m lánghlórach.
In unison, d'aon ghuth(with, le).
Voice vibrating with emotion, guth m ar crith le tocht, agus creathán tochta ann.
Anat: Vocal cords, téada fpl an ghutha.
To raise one's voice, do ghuth a ardú.
They refused with one voice, dhiúltaigh siad d'aon ghuth.
Popular vote, guth an phobail.
(Individual) vote, guth m, vóta m.
Wobbly voice, guth creathánach.
F: Touch wood! ní ag tabhairt guth air! ní á éileamh é!
He was yelling out abuse at me, bhí sé ag stealladh tarcaisne liom in ard a chinn agus a ghutha.
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