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To abide one's time, fanacht le faill.
To bide one's time, fanacht leis an am ceart, fanacht le cóir.
F: To laze, to laze away one's time, leisce a dhéanamh; an t-am a chaitheamh le díomhaointeas.
Drink tells upon one in time, fágann an t-ól a dheasca ar dhuine sa síneadh fada.
To have time on one's hands, am a bheith le spáráil agat; bheith díomhaoin.
To take one's time over sth., rud a dhéanamh ar do chaothúlacht, ar do bhogstróc.
To serve one's time (of apprenticeship), do théarma a chur isteach (mar phrintíseach).
At one time hot, at another time cold, , seal, fuar agus , seal, te.
At one time he used not come, bhí an t-am ann nach dtagadh .
At one time he used to be respected, bhí agus bhí meas air; bhí meas air tráth.
At one time priest of this parish, sagart an pharóiste seo tráth.
To choose one's time, an fhaill a fhaireadh; fanacht le cóir.
To be before one's time, bheith roimh am.
One thing at a time, rud amháin san iarraidh, sa turas.
To trifle one's time away, an a reic, a mheilt, le díomhaointeas.
To work out one's time, do théarma a chur isteach.
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