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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for poll »
poll1, s. 1 A: Dial: a Ceann m, cloigeann m. b Mullach m an chinn. 2 a Comhaireamh m. b Vótáil f. A poll was demanded, iarradh vótáil. To go to the poll, dul ag vótáil. To declare the poll, toradh na vótála a fhógairt. He headed the poll, is é is mó a fuair vótaí.
poll2 . I v.tr. 1 a A: Bearraim an cúl ag (duine) b Barrscoithim (crann). c Bainim na hadharca de (tharbh). 2 a (Of polling clerk) Cuirim duine ag vótáil; tógaim a vóta ó dhuine b (Of candidate) Faighim (vótaí); caitear (oiread seo vótaí) dom. II   poll, v.i. Vótálaim, caithim vóta.
Poll3 . Pr.n. (Pretty) Poll, Palaí f.
He headed the poll, is é is mó a fuair vótaí.
Everybody should go to the poll, ba chóir do gach duine vótáil.
Air-holes of bellows, poll gaoithe boilg.
He has broken the back of the work, tá poll mór curtha san obair aige.
Anat: Barrel of the ear, poll m an tiompáin.
The night was as black as pitch, bhí an oíche chomh dorcha le poll.
To send a ship to the bottom, soitheach a chur go tóin (poill).
They bumped him off, chuir siad cos i bpoll leis.
To cut an opening in a wall, poll a dhéanamh i mballa; balla a pholladh.
To dig into sth., rud a pholladh.
To dig through sth., polladh trí rud.
(Of insect, worm) It eats into the wood, pollann sé an t-adhmad.
Ven: (Of fox) To run, go, to ground, dul i bpoll.
Golf: Halved hole, poll comhroinnte.
An evil haunt, poll m mallaithe.
Out at heels, (stocaí) pollta, briste.
Mec.E: Inspection hole, poll m breithnithe.
To bore a hole, poll a ghearradh.
To wear a hole in a garment, poll a chur i mball éadaigh.
(Of garment) To wear, go, into holes, poill a dhéanamh.
Stockings in holes, stocaí pollta.
To make a hole in sth., poll a chur i rud.
(Golf) To hole the ball, an liathróid a chur sa pholl.
The ins and outs of the house, poill agus prochóga an ti; gach aon choirnéal sa teach.
I know every inch of the neighbourhood, tá gach poll is prochóg sa cheantar ar eolas agam.
Judas(-hole), (-trap), poll m cúlchoimeádta.
To knock a hole in, through, sth., poll a bhriseadh ar, i, rud.
Knot-hole, poll cranra.
To stop a leak, (i) poll a stopadh, a dhingeadh; (ii) poll a dheisiú.
To let a strap out one hole, strapa a bhogadh poll.
To find a loop-hole of escape, poll éalaithe a aimsiú.
The ship was lost at sea, chuaigh an long go tóin poill.
To break the neck of the task, poll a chur san obair.
Nooks and corners, poill agus prochóga.
To open a hole in the wall, poll a bhriseadh ar an mballa.
To pierce through the enemy's lines, polladh trí línte an namhad.
Potato-pit, poll prátaí.
To plug (up) a hole, poll a stopadh, a chalcadh; stopallán a chur i bpoll.
To poke a hole in sth., rud a pholladh (le do mhéar, le maide, etc.).
Coaling port, poll an ghuail.
Prompter's box, poll m leideora.
To putty (up) a hole, poll a dhúnadh le puití.
Min: To ram the charge home, an lánán a phulcadh go bun poill.
To ream (out), (poll) a leathnú.
He scrambled through the hole, tharraing sé é féin tríd an bpoll.
To scratch a hole, poll a thochailt.
Capstan screw, scriú pollta.
To scuttle a ship, soitheach, a pholladh, a chur go tóin poill.
To seal a puncture, poll a dheisiú, a stopadh.
He squeezed himself through the hole, sháigh sé é féin tríd an bpoll.
A: Night stool, cathaoir phollta.
To stop (up), líonaim, dúnaim (poll, píobán).
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