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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for red »
red. 1 a. a Dearg. Red lips, liopaí dearga. To turn, go, red, deargadh. F: Red as blood, chomh dearg le fuil. It makes him see red, cuireann sé ar mire é. She turned red, baineadh lasadh aisti. Cu: Red meat, feoil fhola. The Red Sea, an Mhuir Rua Art: Red chalk, cailc dhearg. Red lead, luaidhe dhearg. b (Of hair) Rua. c Pol: Dearg, ar an taobh clé. d Red tape, (i) téip dhearg; (ii) ró-oifigiúlacht f; mínínteacht f oifigiúil. 2 a. & s. Cherry red, caordhearg. Fiery red, flanndearg. 3 s. a Dearg m. Dressed in red, faoi éadach dearg. b Pol: Dearg m. c Bill: The red, an dearg.
Ent: Red Admiral, aimiréal dearg.
Red ant, seangán dearg.
Colour bordering on red, dath atá dearg ach sa bheag.
To cannon off the red, athchnagadh den liathróid dhearg.
I don't care a red cent, is cuma liom sa tubaiste.
He hadn't a red cent, ní raibh cianóg rua aige; ní raibh bonn bán air.
Cherry(-red), caordhearg.
Red chilli, cillí dhearg.
Red clover, seamair chapaill, seamair dhearg.
The Red Cross, An Chrois Dhearg.
Red-, black-, currant, cuirín dearg, dubh.
Red deer, fia m rua.
Fiery-red, craorag.
Flaming red, craorag.
He went red, las sé; dheargaigh sé.
Red heat, goradh dearg.
To raise iron to a red, a white, heat, goradh dearg, goradh geal, a thabhairt d'iarann.
Red herring, scadán toitleasaithe.
To draw a red herring across the track, (i) an tóir a chur ar seachrán; (ii) scéal eile a tharraingt anuas.
That is a red herring, sin scéal thairis.
Red hot, caordhearg.
Red Indians, Rua-Indiaigh.
Red iron ore, cré dhearg.
White, red, yellow, lead, luaidhe bhán, dhearg, bhuí.
Green light, red light, solas uaine, dearg.
F: He saw the red light, chonaic sé an baol ag bagairt.
Red murrain, mún m fola.
Red-nosed, sróndearg.
P: To paint the town red, an dú-racán a thógáil le ragairne.
Red pine, péine dearg.
Bot: Red-hot poker, rinn dhearg.
He was caught red-handed, rugadh maol air; rugadh san fhoghail air.
Red-letter day, lá croídhílis; lá a gcuirtear eang sa ghabhal dó.
Little Red Riding Hood, Clóicín Dearg.
Red-roofed, (teach) ceann dearg.
Gaming: Run on the red, an dearg ina shraith.
Red squirrel, iora rua.
Black with red stripes, dubh agus stríoca dearga ann.
Hugh surnamed Red Hugh, Aodh ar a dtugtar Aodh Rua.
Turkey red, dearg turcach.
Vivid red, glédhearg.
Yellowish white, red, green, etc., buíbhán, buídhearg, buíghlas, etc.
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