Tá aon chosúlacht ~ uile orthu, they all look the same, alike.
Tá beirt againn ~, (i) there are two of us, (ii) we are both alike.
Aon bhail amháin a thabhairt orthu uile, to treat them all alike.
Mar a chéile iad, they are alike.
Tá siad ~ (le chéile), they are alike in every respect.
A chuid agus a chomhroinn (a thabhairt) do gach aon duine, (to) share and share alike.
Is ionann ~ dúinn, our circumstances are alike.
Tá an cúpla ~ le chéile, the twins are alike.
Más gaolmhar ní ~, they may be related but they are not alike.
Tá siad ar dhealramh a chéile, they look alike.
~ do Thadhg (riabhach) Dónall (gránna), they are both alike; one is as bad as the other.
Más ~ ní cosúil, they may be related but they are not alike.
B’~ le chéile iad, they were both, all, alike.
Is ~ íseal agus uasal aige, he treats high and low alike, is no respecter of persons.
Tá siad in ~, they are even, alike.
Níl ~ ag an óige ar a saol ach oiread leis an aois, death comes to young and old alike.
Flatha is filí ~ ar ~, princes and poets alike.
Déan ~ le chéile iad, make them alike.
Is ~ a chéile iad, they are alike, identical.
Tháinig siad as an ~ céanna, they are very much alike.
Is ~ iad, they are not alike.
Ar aon ~, on one course, all together, alike.
Tá siad uile ar aon ~ amháin, they are all in the same circumstances; they are all alike.