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~ a thabhairt, (i) to make a submission, (ii) to give back-chat
~ a thabhairt ar dhuine, to answer back; to give impudence to s.o.
Tá sé chuige féin ~, he has recovered; he is back to normal.
Breathnú siar ar do shaol, to look back over one’s life.
Breathnú síos, suas, siar, amach, to look down, up, back, out.
Siar go ~, back to source.
Níor chas sé orainn ó shin, he hasn’t come back to us since.
Is crua a cheannaíonn an droim an bolg, the back must slave to feed the belly, one must work to eat.
~ siar a bhaint as duine, to set s.o. back a step.
Rud a choimeád siar, to keep back, to withhold, sth.
Na deora a chosc, to keep back tears.
Filleadh ar do choiscéim, to turn, walk, back.
Ag ~eadh anonn is anall, ó thaobh go taobh, shaking, waving, back and forth, from side to side.
2. ~ a dhéanamh, to carry off sth. on one’s back; to take sth. on the crook.
~adh siar ó dhuine, to shrink back from s.o.
Titim siar ar do chúiléith, to fall on the back of one’s head.
Duine a chur ar a chosa, ar shlat a dhroma, to put s.o. on his feet, on the flat of his back.
~ a chur ar thine, to build up the back of a fire (with fresh fuel).
Do chúl a bheith le rud, to have one’s back turned to sth.
Do chúl a thabhairt do, le, rud, to turn one’s back on sth., to abandon sth.
Dul ar do chúl i rud, to go back on sth.
Dul ar g~, to go back; to recede, decline.
Seasamh ar g~, to stand back.
Rud a chur ar g~, to put sth. back, to postpone sth.
Duine a choinneáil ar g~, to keep s.o. back, to delay s.o.
~ a chur ar dhuine, ar rud, to set back s.o., sth.
~ cosanta, ~ daortha, defence to fall back on, mainstay.
~ a chur suas, to do up hair (at back).
~ a bhearradh, to cut hair (at back).
Capall a chúlú (idir na seaftaí), to back a horse (between the shafts).
Pictiúr, mapa, a chúláil, to back a picture, a map.
Scaradh le ~, to turn one’s back on humanity.
~ a thabhairt sa droim do dhuine, to thump s.o. on the back.
Duine a chur chun deiridh, to set s.o. back.
Rud a chur, a iompar, ar do dhroim, to put, carry, sth. on one’s back.
Do dhroim a chur le rud, to put one’s back against sth.
Bhí a n~ le chéile, they were back to back.
Ligean le do dhroim, to lean back; to take things easy.
Do dhroim a dhíriú, to straighten one’s back; to take a rest from work.
Do dhroim a chromadh, to bend one’s back; to get down to work.
Chrom Dia an ~ don ualach, God fitted the back for the burden, gave us the capacity to work.
~ ar ais, back to front.
3. Níl mé ~ na fáilte amuigh, I haven’t been away long enough to merit a welcome back.
~ a thabhairt le rud, to turn one’s back completely on sth.
~ ruda a bhaint as duine, to make s.o. pay, get one’s own back on s.o., for sth.
Níl mé aga, dú, fad, na ~ amuigh, I haven’t been away long enough to merit a welcome back.
Tá an droim ag ~e orm arís, my back is threatening to trouble me again.
~ a thabhairt ar dhuine, to call back to s.o.
~ na hoibre a chur ort féin, to bend one’s back to the work, to get down to it.
Is deacair fiacla a chur i gcúl corráin, [’it is hard to put teeth in the back of a reaping-hook’, to reason with a numskull.
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