ceannaigh1, v.t. & i. (vn. -ach). 1. Buy, purchase. Rud a cheannach do dhuine, to buy sth. for s.o. Ag ceannach (sna siopaí), buying (in the shops), shopping. Is daor a cheannaigh mé é, I paid dearly for it. Is mé a cheannaigh mo bheart, I paid for my experience. Ag ceannach na céille, learning from experience. S.a. ciall1 3. Ag ceannach na síochána, trying to appease people. Tá, is maith atá, sé ceannaithe agat, you have paid (well) for it, earned it (well). Is crua a cheannaíonn an droim an bolg, the back must slave to feed the belly, one must work to eat. 2. Redeem. Dár gceannach ón mbás, to redeem us from death. 3. Suborn, bribe.
ceannaigh2 : ceannach.
Ceannaigh an drochrud ~ bí gan aon rud, if you buy a poor thing you will be left without anything.
Thaitin sé liom ~ cheannaigh mé é, I liked it and so I bought it.
Dá mbeadh ceannach ar leabhair, if books were being bought.
Ceannaigh, díol, ar, buy, sell, at, for.
Ar cheannaigh sé, all that he bought.
~ ceannaigh, merchant ship.
Tá sé buí as a cheannaithe, he is yellow-featured.
Mo chaduaic! Is daor a cheannaigh mé é, alas! I paid dearly for it.
~ a dhéanamh, to make a purchase.
~ earraí, buying of goods.
Tá ~ (maith) orthu, they are in (good) demand.
Níl díol ná ~ orthu, there is no market for them.
Is daor an ~ é, it is dearly bought.
Tabhair aire do do shláinte, níl ~ uirthi, take care of your health, it is invaluable.
~ agus breabaireacht, bribery and corruption.
Airgead ceannaigh, purchase money.
Árthach ceannaigh, merchant vessel.
Na ceannaithe, the features.
Ceannaithe snoite, clear-cut features.
~ capall, bó, horse-, cattle-, dealer.
~ éadaigh, fíona, guail, clothes-, wine-, coal-, merchant.
~ bratóg, ceirteacha, rag-merchant.
~ cheannaithe, the teachings of experience.
Tá ~ cheannaithe aige, he has learned his lesson.
Ceannach, díol, snámh, ól, feadaíl, a dhéanamh, to buy, sell, swim, drink, whistle.
~ agus ceannach, buying and selling.
Ag ~ meala is ag ceannach milseán, [’selling honey to buy sweets’, carrying coals to Newcastle.
Rud a fháil i siopa, le ceannach, to get sth. in a shop, to buy.
Cheannaigh tú ~, you have bought a trifle, a worthless thing.
Ceannaithe, méara, ~, delicate features, fingers.
Ó cheannaigh tú é caithfidh tú a ghabháil leis, since you bought it you must do with it.
~ ceannach againn orthu, without our being able to buy them.
Tá a cheannaithe ag géarú leis an aois, his features are becoming sharper with age.
Ceannaithe, fiacla, ~a, coarse features, teeth.
Cheannaigh siad i gcomhar é, they co-operated to buy it.
Cheannaigh siad eatarthu é, they bought it between them.
Ceannaí lóin, provision merchant.
~ cheannaigh, cheannaíochta, merchant ship.
Ceannach ar an ~, buying in bulk.
~ cheannaigh tú é? Did you not buy it? You bought it, didn’t you?
~ an cheannaí, generous measure.
Na ~aí a cheannaigh mé, the things I bought.
Cheannaigh ~ teach, he bought a house.
Ceannaí, siopa, ~aí, antique dealer, shop.