punt1, m. (gs. & npl. puint, gpl. ~). Pound. 1. ~ meáchain, pound (in) weight. ~ ime, pound of butter. Rud a dhíol de réir an phuint, ar dheich bpingine an ~, to sell sth. by the pound, at tenpence a pound. ~ an cheannaí, generous measure. 2. Nóta, páipéar, puint, pound note. ~ a thabhairt ar rud, to pay a pound for sth. Luach puint, a pound’s worth. An oiread seo sa phunt, faoin b~, a íoc, to pay so much in the pound. Prov: An ~ a chailleadh ag lorg na pingine, penny wise, pound foolish. S.a. breac2 1.
punt2, m. (gs. & npl. puint, gpl. ~). (Of enclosure) Pound.
punt3, m. (gs. & npl. puint, gpl. ~). 1. Butt-end. ~ gunna, butt of gun. Tá siad le ~ a chéile, they are end to end; they are all crowded together. 2. ~ (méire), finger-tip. S.a. gríscín 3.
punt4 = puinn 1.
Dhá phunt ~ pingin, two pounds, all but a penny.
Corradh ~ punt, more than a pound.
Ar chéad punt, for one hundred pounds,
Tá punt agam air, he owes me a pound.
Scilling as punt, one shilling out of a pound.
Fiche punt agus luach béile de bhabhta leis, twenty pounds and the price of a meal to boot.
Bhain sé punt díom orthu, he charged me a pound for them.
Tá punt de bharraíocht ann, it is a pound over, in excess.
Cúig phunt agus a bheatha, five pounds and his meals.
Bheith bliain d’aois, troigh ar airde, slat ar fad, tonna meáchain, punt an chloch, to be a year old, a foot high, a yard long, a ton weight, a pound a stone.
Ag ~ ar chéad bliain, punt, close on a hundred years, pounds.
Bhí céad punt ina bóthar, she had a hundred pounds in her possession.
Tá na puint bhreaca aige, he has plenty of ready cash.
Agus punt mar bhreis, and a pound to boot.
Fuair tú punt de bhreis orm, you got a pound more than I got.
Airgead, punt, a bhriseadh, to change money, a pound.
~ puint, change of a pound.
Tá mé punt ~ leis, ann, I have lost a pound by it.
Bhuail sé anuas punt dom é, he knocked a pound off it for me.
~eadh punt, sa chúirt, é, he was fined a pound, in court.
chuig, ag) Happen to have. ~adh punt chugam, I happened to have a pound.
~ fear, bean, punt, bliain, one hundred men, women, pounds, years.
Punt is trí cheathrú de, one and three-quarter pounds of it.
~ (puint) tae, quarter (pound) of tea.
~ pingne, ~ phunt, fourpence, four pounds.
Chiorraigh sé punt mé, he left me a pound short.
Má chomhaireann an t-airgead geal punt, if the silver adds up to a pound.
1. Punt agus ~, more than a pound.
Tá céad punt cosanta aige, there is a hundred pounds coming to him.
Airgead, punt, scór, ~, even money, pound, score.
a chur ar phunt, to get a pound together.
Ní mór an ~ punt, a pound is not a great deal of money.
~fidh mé punt, I’ll bet a pound.
Chuir sé céad punt é, he raised the bid for it to one hundred pounds.
~fidh mé punt leat, I’ll bet you a pound.
Luach ~, an dá, phunt, two, the two, pounds’ worth.
Punt sa ~, a difference of a pound.
Dhíol mé leis ar phunt é, I sold it to him for a pound.
Chuir sé punt i gcúl mo dhoirn, he slipped a pound into my hand.
Chuir sé punt ~e ann, he made a token payment of a pound on it.
Is beag an ~ cúpla punt, a few pounds won’t do much good.
Céad ~ punt, a hundred pounds or so.
Ní rachaidh punt i bh~ ort, a pound won’t take you far.
Chosain sé céad punt má d’fhan sé air, it cost a hundred pounds if not more.
Deich bpingine ~n bpunt, tenpence in the pound.
Punt ~ do cheart, a pound over and above what is due to you.
~ míle punt, twenty thousand pounds.
Is ~ punt, an t-airgead, ór na cruinne, é, it is worth a pound, the money, all the gold in the world.
Is beag is ~ punt anois, a pound is not worth much now.