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Chaill an t-éan a chleití, a eiteog, the bird lost its feathers, its wing.
Bhí na scaotha ~ na scaotha éan ag dul ó dheas, there were flocks and flocks of birds going south.
Tá na gearrcaigh ~, the young birds are fully fledged, ready to fly.
Is fearr ~ na srathrach ná iasacht na diallaite, a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
Éan aistreáin, migratory bird.
~ an t-éan i gcrann, like a bird on a bough.
Is ~ (iad) lucht aon cheirde, birds of a feather flock together.
~ duine, ainmhí, éisc, éin, mouth of person, of animal, of fish, of bird.
~ na n-éan, voices of birds.
Mar a bheadh éan ann, like a bird.
Bráithre aon cheirde, birds of a feather.
~ éin, bairnigh, tail-end of bird, of limpet.
aonair, lone bird.
Éan ~, cardinal(-bird).
~ na n-éan, bird song.
~ éan, the song of birds.
~ éan, song of birds.
Aithníonn ~ ~ eile, birds of a feather flock together.
2. ~ na mbeannacht, lady-bird.
2. ~ éan, (wicker) bird-trap.
~ cnáibe, croiche, gaid, gallows-bird.
Tá na héin sa chleiteach, the birds are moulting.
~ éan, bird-trap.
Éin ag cur cluimhrí, birds feathering (out).
Éan a chluimhriú, to pluck a bird.
Éan á chluimhriú féin, a bird preening itself. (Of person)
Éan ~, strange, migratory, bird.
Chuir sé ~ faoi na héin, he alarmed the birds.
~ duine, ainmhí, éin, leg of person, of animal, of bird.
Ainmhí, éan, creiche, beast, bird, of prey.
Mac na croiche, gallows-bird.
~ briosc, faoileáin, ladhrach, brittle, bird’s-foot, five-finger, starfish.
~ éin, cait, portáin, claw of bird, of cat, of crab.
Éan cuideáin, strange bird;
Éan ag seiftiú dá ghearrcaigh, a bird providing for its nestlings.
Éan ~, strange, peregrine, bird.
Is leor don ~ a nead, for a little bird a little nest.
~ na gcnoc, na mbánta, na sléibhte, na gcoillte, d’éanlaith, vast flocks of birds.
~ éan, flock of birds.
Sciurdann éan as gach ~, ‘a bird darts out of every flock’, exceptional characters are to be found in all communities.
1. Éin na spéire, birds of the air.
~ aille, mara, cliff-, sea-, bird.
~ ceoil, song-bird.
~ creiche, bird of prey.
~ gualainne, pet bird.
~ i gcliabhán, bird in a cage.
~ an aeir, na spéire, the birds of the air.
~ na hoíche, night birds.
1. ~ ainmhí, éin, éisc, tail of animal, of bird, of fish.
D’~ an t-éan ar eiteog, the bird rose on the wing.
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