Go mbeannaítear Dia, blessed be God.
An Mhaighdean Bheannaithe, the Blessed Virgin.
An lá ~, the blessed day.
~ choisricthe, blessed candle.
Choisric an sagart na daoine, na paidríní, the priest blessed the people, the rosaries.
~ orm (go, má), I’m blessed (but, if).
~ an lá beannaithe! By the blessed day!
Is beannaithe thú ~ mhná, blessed art thou among women.
An Mhaighdean Bheannaithe, the Blessed Virgin.
An ~, ~ na haltóra, the blessed Sacrament.
Is beannaithe ~ do bhéil, blessed are the words you speak.
Tá an t~ sin aige, he is blessed in that way.