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brón1, m. (gs. -óin).Sorrow. Bheith i m~, faoi bhrón, to sorrow. ~ a chur ar dhuine, to grieve, sadden, s.o. A bhrón a chású le duine, to express sympathy with s.o. Duine a thabhairt faoi bhrón, to bring sorrow on s.o. Ag déanamh bróin, sorrowing, lamenting. Tá ~ (ó chroí) orm faoi sin, I am (deeply) sorry about that. Prov:Is minic a mhaolaigh béile maith ~, all griefs are less with bread. Mo bhrón! Alas!
brón2, v.t. (vn. ~adh m, gs. ~ta). Grieve. Prov:An ní nach bhfeiceann súil ní bhrónann croí, what the eye sees not the heart rues not.
brón3, var. gs. of bró.
~ gáire, bróin, gearáin, cause of, for, laughter, sorrow, complaint.
Brón ~, excessive grief.
2. ~ bróin, goil, excess of grief, of weeping.
An brón, an fhearg, an imní, a bhaint de dhuine, to console, appease, reassure, s.o.
~ (bróin), pall.
~ bróin, primary cause of sorrow.
Níl aon chall bróin air, he has no cause for sorrow.
~ báis, bróin, concealment of death, of sorrow.
~ ag imní, ag brón, worn out with anxiety, with care.
Faoi chuing na daoirse, an bhróin, under the yoke of slavery, of sorrow.
~ bróin, deor, cause of sorrow, of tears.
Faoi dhaolbhrat (bróin), under a pall; clouded with sorrow.
~ bróin, mourning (clothes).
~ bhrón, áthas, sorrowful, joyful.
Ná ~ mé faoi bhrón, don’t let me remain in sorrow.
Ghabh fearg, brón, éad, é, he got angry, sad, jealous.
Tá ~ an ocrais, an bhróin, air, he has a look of hunger, of sorrow, about him.
I bpian, i mbrón, in imní, in pain, in sorrow, in anxiety.
Ná ~ faoi bhrón iad, don’t let them be oppressed with sorrow.
sí í féin le brón, she abandoned herself to sorrow.
Maolú ar bhrón, to lighten sorrow.
~ bróin, lessening of sorrow.
~ an bhróin, an éadóchais, note of sorrow, of despair.
Croí ~te le brón, a heart crushed by sorrow.
Faoi ~ta bróin, clouded with sorrow.
~ áthais, bróin, fit of joy, of sorrow.
‘Tá brón orm’. ‘Tá, ~!’ ‘I’m sorry’. ‘You are, I’m sure!’
Brón a ~eadh, to alleviate sorrow.
~ bróin, imní, alleviation of sorrow, of anxiety.
~ spear a dhéanamh ar amhras, ar bhrón, to dispel doubt, sorrow.
Bean a thaithigh an brón, a woman who experienced sorrow.
~ bróin, wave of sorrow.
~ bróin, cúraim, burden of sorrow, of care.
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