Duine gan chruinneas, scatter-brained person.
~ craicinn, croí, súl, inchinne, skin, heart, eye, brain, disease.
Gníomhú ar an inchinn, to act on the brain. (Of person)
1. ~ an duine, the human brain.
Síobadh, stealladh, an ~ as, his brains were blown, dashed, out.
~ chéarach, srutha, retentive, unretentive, brain.
Níl ~ ghealbhain aige, he has no more brains than a sparrow.
Fiabhras, obair, tuirse, ~e, brain-fever, -work, -fag.
~ ghlúine, inchinne, water on the knee, on the brain.
~í na hinchinne, the lobes of the brain.
Chuir sé ~ mearaí i mo cheann, it fuddled my brain.
2. Níl sé ~ ann féin, he is scatter-brained.
Shíobfadh sé an inchinn asat, it would blow your brains out.
~fainn an inchinn as, I’d dash out his brains.