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codail, v.i. (pres. -dlaíonn, vn. -dladh, pp. -alta).Sleep. Dul a chodladh, to go to sleep. Duine a chur a chodladh, to put s.o. to sleep. Codladh go sámh, to sleep soundly. An lá a chodladh, to sleep away the day. Chodail sé amach é, he had a long sleep, overslept. Ná ~ ar do ghnó, don’t sleep over your business, neglect your affairs. Codladh amuigh, to sleep out, in the open. Duine a chodail amuigh, a poor sort of person. Is í do chabhair a chodail amuigh, you were very slow to help; you gave poor help indeed. S.a. cluas 1, eadra 3, néal 4. (Var: pp. ~te, vn. ~t f)
Tá codladh, tuirse, eagla, cumha, air, he is sleepy, tired, afraid, homesick.
Cónaigh, codail, ar, reside, sleep, on.
Níor chodail mé aréir as mo chluas, I did not sleep last night because of my (sore) ear.
Bhain sé codladh na hoíche díom, it left me unable to sleep at night.
Bás, codladh, bréige, feigned death, sleep.
Chodail sé néal de bhreis aréir, he slept a bit better, longer, last night.
Fuair an codladh ~ orm, mo bhua, I was overcome by sleep.
Bhuaigh an codladh orm, I was overcome with sleep.
Ná codail ar an g~ sin, don’t content yourself with that version of the story, don’t delude yourself.
~ a bheith ort, to be sleepy.
Tháinig ~ air, he got sleepy.
Chuir sé ~ orm, it made me sleepy.
~ a dhéanamh, to (get a) sleep.
Gan ~ lae ná oíche a dhéanamh (go), never to rest or sleep (until).
~ na súl oscailte, day-dreaming.
~ sámh, corrach, sound, broken, sleep.
~ beag, nap.
~ mór, great, long, sleep; sleepy-head.
~ go headra, late morning sleep.
~ gé, giorria, very light sleep.
~ an tsicín (sa bharrach), an traonaigh, na Caillí Béarra, protracted sleep.
~ an bháis, death stupor, coma.
Tá mo chos ina ~, my foot is asleep.
~ driúraic, gliúragáin, grifín, pins and needles.
Tá an aicíd ina ~, the disease is quiescent. (Of boat, ship)
Codladh ~, uneasy sleep.
Ocras, tuirse, codladh, a chur ar dhuine, to make s.o. hungry, tired, sleepy.
Codladh i dteach ~, to sleep in a strange house.
Codladh sámh duit, may you sleep well.
Codladh, tost, ~, deep sleep, silence.
Codladh go h~, to sleep till milking-time, late into the day.
Codladh ~, light sleep.
Codladh geimhridh, winter sleep, hibernation.
Bhí na súile ag iamh air (le codladh), he could not keep his eyes open (with sleep).
Bhí ~ ar mo shúile le codladh, my eyes were dazed with sleep.
~ sí as a codladh, she started out of her sleep.
~ le codladh, heavy with sleep.
Níor chodail mé ~ aréir, I didn’t sleep a wink last night.
Codladh ~, unbroken sleep.
Níl sé ~ ag duine (codladh amuigh san oíche), it is not natural for a person (to sleep out at night).
Ní h~ aoire codladh, it is not for a shepherd to fall asleep.
Bhí an ~ iompaithe ina cheann le codladh, the eyes were turning in his head with sleep.
Níor ~ sé liom a bheith gan codladh na hoíche, it didn’t suit me to be without a night’s sleep.
Codladh ~, tranquil sleep.
Codladh go ~, to sleep peacefully.
Tháinig ~ ar mo shúile le codladh, my eyes clouded over with sleep.
Codladh ~, sound sleep.
Codladh ~, comfortable sleep.
Codladh ~, easy, undisturbed, sleep.
Níor chodail mé ~, I didn’t sleep a wink.
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