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~ le breith chúirte, a rider to a verdict in court.
Idir ~ is binse, in open court.
Cúirt bhréige, mock court, trial.
~eadh cúirt orthu, court proceedings were brought against them.
~eadh punt, sa chúirt, é, he was fined a pound, in court.
dlí, cúirte, coiteann, law, court, common, case.
Cúirt chéadchéime, court of first instance.
I láthair an chirt, where justice is meted out; in a court of justice.
Ag siúl le chéile, lena chéile, walking together; courting.
~ na gcúirteanna, the practice of the courts.
~ baile, bainc, cúirte, oifige, town, bank, court, office, clerk.
~ cúirte, ward of court.
Cúirt choiriúil, criminal court.
Bhí ~ ríchártaí agam, I had a suit, a lot, of court cards.
~ dháréag, cúirte, common, court, jury.
Chruthaigh sé orm sa chúirt, he testified against me in court.
rí, ríoga, royal court.
bhreithiúnais, dlí, court of justice, of law.
~ achomhairc, court of appeal.
~ airm, court-martial.
~ bhréige, mock court, mock trial.
~ choiriúil, criminal court.
~ dlínse achoimre, court of summary jurisdiction.
~ éadála, prize-court.
~ íochtarach, lower court, court of first instance.
~ taifid, court of record.
An Chúirt Dúiche, Chuarda, Uachtarach, the District, Circuit, Supreme, Court.
~ a chur ar dhuine, (i) to try s.o. in court, (ii) to sue s.o.
Dul, teacht, os comhair ~e, to appear in court.
~ ina suí, court in session.
I g~ iata, phoiblí, in camera, in open court.
eaglasta, ecclesiastical court.
~ easpaig, episcopal court.
~ éigse, bardic court.
~ bharúin, baronial court.
5. ~ imeartha, leadóige, playing-, tennis-, court.
Dhearbhaigh siad sa chúirt air, they testified in court against him.
Breith cúirte a dheimhniú, to affirm a court decision.
~ cúirte, contempt of court.
Duine a thabhairt chun an ~, to bring s.o. to court.
Lá ~, court day.
Faoi dhlínse na cúirte, under the jurisdiction of the court.
Is ~ an duine é, he is a defiant person; he is always courting danger.
Cúirt eadrána, conciliation, arbitration, court.
~ i gcúirt, hearing in court.
Barántas, ordú cúirte, a fháil, to get, take out, a warrant, a court order.
Cúirt fhiosrúcháin, court of inquiry.
~ sa chúirt, word in court.
Is fearr ~ sa chúirt ná bonn, punt, sa sparán, a friend in court is better than a penny, a pound, in the purse.
Ag déanamh fómhair, courting.
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