~ gréagáin, cuckoo-flower, lady’s smock.
~ aláraim, balla, buailte, cuaiche, alarm-, wall-, striking-, cuckoo-, clock.
6. ~ bear, (i) fire-wheels, (ii) cuckoo wrasse.
An chuach ag ~m, the cuckoo calling.
~ na cuaiche, the cuckoo’s call.
~ na cuaiche, bird that follows the cuckoo; pipit.
Titfidh an spéir nuair a rachaidh an ~ i mbéal na cuaiche, there will be chaos when the pipit leads the cuckoo.
~ na cuaiche, the cuckoo’s call.
Mar a labhraíonn an chuach, where the cuckoo calls.
~ Mhuire, Lady’s-smock, cuckoo-flower.
~ cuach, the call of cuckoos.
2. ~ (na) cuaiche, cuckoo-spit.