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~ dualgais, discharge of duty.
Cúram, dualgas, a chur ar dhuine, to place a responsibility, a duty, on s.o.
Do chúram a fhreastal, to attend to one’s duty.
Dleacht, dearbhú, custaim, customs duty, declaration.
Do ghnó, do dhualgas, a dhéanamh, to do, attend to, one’s business, duty.
Bheith ar ~, to be on duty.
Do dhiúité a dhéanamh, to attend to one’s (religious) duties.
~ leagáide, legacy-duty.
A dhiúité a thabhairt do dhuine, to perform a duty towards s.o.; to give s.o. his deserts.
~ bháis, chomharbais, chustaim, eastáit, leagáide, mháil, death, succession, customs, estate, legacy, excise, duty.
Saor ó dhleacht, duty-free.
Is dom is ~ é, it is my due; it is my lawful duty; it is proper for me.
Dualgas ~, bounden duty.
Do dhualgas a dhéanamh, a chomhlíonadh, to do, fulfil, one’s duty.
~ a chur ar dhuine, to impose a duty on s.o.
~ a bheith ort rud a dhéanamh, to be in duty bound to do sth.
Déanamh de réir dualgais, to meet the requirements of duty.
Rud a bheith ar do dhualgas, de dhualgas ort, to be required by duty to do sth.
Do dhualgas do Dhia, one’s duty to God.
~ iomlán, poiblí, reachtúil, absolute, public, statutory, duty.
Ar ~, on duty.
~ a chur ar dhuine, to detail s.o. for duty.
Ag ~, watching on sentry duty.
Tá ~ ar leith ag gach duine againn, each one of us has a separate duty to perform.
~ a dhéanamh, to fulfil a function, to render service, to carry out the duties of an office.
Do dhualgas a fhreagairt, to discharge one’s duty.
Dualgas, freagracht, a ghlacadh, to accept a duty, a responsibility.
Obair, dualgas, a ~an amach do dhuine, to allot work, a duty, to s.o.
Airgead, comhlacht, dualgas, ~, public money, body, duty.
Cáin phrobháide, probate duty.
Cruinniú, cuideachta, dualgas, ~, statutory meeting, company, duty.
Ag ~, performing the duties of a priest.
Dualgas, tasc, a thabhairt, to assign a duty, a task.
~ dualgas, assignment of duties.
~ cumhachta, dualgais, delegation of power, of duty.
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