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~ a dhéanamh, to break, plough, grassland; to perform a feat.
~ airm, gaile, feat of arms, of valour.
Is iomaí ~ a rinne sé, many a feat he performed.
D’fhear sé cleas, he performed a feat.
~ a dhéanamh, to perform a feat;
Gníomh ~a, feat of prowess; heroic deed.
Rug sé ~ gaisce ó gach aon, he surpassed everyone in feats of arms.
~ gaisce, feat of arms.
~ nirt a dhéanamh, to perform a feat of strength.
Ní raibh a fhios agam go raibh an ~ reatha sin ionat, I didn’t know that you were capable of such a feat of running.
Is fiú a éacht a ~eadh, his feat is worth recording in song.
Gníomh nirt, feat of strength.
~ gaisce, use of weapons; feat of arms.
Gaisce a shárú, to better a feat.
Ag imirt ár gcleas d’aon ~, performing our feats side by side.
~ cait ina chraiceann, wonderful feat of dexterity.
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