A trí ~ a ceathair, three plus four.
As ceithre hairde an domhain, na cruinne, from the four quarters of the earth.
Ar rothaí, ar cheithre cosa, on wheels, on four legs.
Dul ar do cheithre boinn, to go on all fours.
Ar chaoi cheithre slí, where four roads lead.
Ceithre chéad caoga is sé dhuine, four hundred and fifty-six persons.
Fiche a ~, a ~ is fiche, twenty-four.
Céad is a ~, one hundred and four.
A ~ is a ~, four and four.
A ~ a chlog, four o’clock.
cúig de bhlianta ó shin, four or five years ago.
Uimhir, cuid, a ~, number, part, four.
2. Dhá, trí, cheathair, two, three, fours.
Faoi cheathair, four times, fourfold.
Scrios an ~, delete the (figure) four.
An ~ muileata, the four of diamonds.
Thug sé léim cheathairchosach, it jumped with all four feet.
~ fear, ban, múinteoirí, four men, women, teachers.
Ina gceathrair, in fours.
~ de na buachaillí, four of the boys.
~ againn, (the) four of us.
Bhíomar ár g~ ann, the four of us were there.
Cá mhéad ceann ann? ~. How many (things) are there? Four.
~ pingne, ~ phunt, fourpence, four pounds.
~ lá mhóra, four great days.
~ huaire fichead, ~ acra is fiche, twenty-four hours, twenty-four acres.
~ fichid, four score, eighty.
~ chéad, ~ mhíle, four hundred, four thousand.
Ceithre ~a an domhain, the four corners of the earth.
Ceithre chéad ~, four hundred foot.
~ ceithre chapall, coach and four.
ceathrar, bealaigh, column of fours, of route.
~ beirte, ceathrair, ochtair, two-, four-, eight-, hand reel.
~a déanacha an duine, man’s last state; the Four Last Things.
Ar do cheithre croibh, on all fours.
A trí nó a ceathair de chuarta, three or four times.
Idir cheithre cúinní an tí, within the four corners of the house.
An dosaen cothrom, na ceithre scór, a dhéanamh, to make the even dozen, the four score.
~ dhá leath, (ceithre) ceathrúna, de, make two halves, (four) quarters, of it.
I gceithre dhíolaíocht, in four instalments.
Na ceithre ~e (aer, uisce, tine, talamh), the four elements (air, water, fire, earth).
In Éirinn na gceithre mbeann, within the four corners of Ireland.
~ cheathairdhualach, four-tressed plaiting.
Céad ~ a ceathair, one hundred and twenty-four.
Tá sé na ceithre fichid, he is four score.
Ceithre huaire ~ad, twenty-four hours.
Chuir siad ceithre cúigí Éireann ina cheann, they set the four provinces of Ireland against him.
Faoi ~ an tí, na háite, within the four walls of the house, the confines of the place.
A trí ~ a ceathair, three plus four.
~ ceathairbhuilleach, four-stroke motor.