Tá an plúr ~, flour is down (in price).
~ plúir, flour bread; home-made bread.
~ mine cruithneachta, (flour) bread containing a mixture of wheaten meal.
Tá ~ plúir ar do mhuinchille, your sleeve is dusted with flour.
Plúr ~, min chairde, flour, meal, obtained on credit.
~ plúir, mine, a hundredweight of flour, of meal.
Earraí, plúr, a choinneáil, to stock goods, flour.
~ maith do mhála plúir, the greater part of a bag of flour.
Éadach, im, plúr, a dhéanamh, to make cloth, butter, flour.
Cad é atá i n~ an phlúir aige? What is he charging for flour?
D’~ an plúr scilling, flour went up by a shilling.
Plúr ~, self-raising flour.
Lig sé ~ ar phlúr liom, he asked me to bring him flour.
Plúr a fhliuchadh, to add liquid to flour (in baking).
~ an plúr, an mhin, an t-arán, without the flour, the meal, the bread.
Tá tú bán le plúr, you are white with flour.
~ plúir, bag of flour; flour-bag.
Chomh ~ le plúr, le snaois, as fine as flour, as snuff.
~ arbhair, plúir, corn-, flour-, mill.
~ cruithneachta, wheaten flour.
An chéad ~ plúir, first-quality flour.
~ in earraí, i bplúr, in iasc, dealing in goods, in flour, in fish.
~ plúir, relief supply of flour.
~ plúir, adhmaid, stock of flour, of timber.
Taos, plúr, a shuaitheadh, to knead dough, flour.
Chomh ~ le púdar, le plúr, le snaois, as dry as powder, as flour, as snuff.
Arán ~ chéile, bread made of mixture of flour and meal.