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Similar words: táirim · téirim · titim · trim · aitim
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tirim, a1. Dry. 1. Without water, rain, moisture. Cré thirim, dry clay. Aimsir thirim, dry weather. Éadach ~, dry clothing. Teach ~, house free from damp. Tá an tobar ~, the well has run dry. De chosa ~e, dry-footed. Is ~ an tsúil a bhí ina dhiaidh, nobody mourned his passing. Chomh ~ le púdar, le plúr, le snaois, as dry as powder, as flour, as snuff. 2. Parched, thirsty. Tá mo scornach ~, my throat is dry. 3. Not yielding milk. Tá an bhó ~, the cow is dry. 4. Without mortar. Saoirseacht thirim, dry masonry. Fál ~, dry wall. 5. Solid. Earraí ~e, dry goods. 6. Bare. De dhoirne ~e, bare-fisted. 7. Airgead ~, hard cash, ready cash. 8. Tíortha ~e, prohibitionist countries. 9. (Of person) Dry, humourless; (of speech) dull, uninteresting. 10. Beached, on dry land. Bhí an naomhóg ~ acu an uair seo, they had the currach beached by this time. 11. Laid out, dead.
3. ~ tirim, dried top material of bog.
Chuirfeadh sé thar an ~ tirim thú, he is free with his promises.
~ tirim, ready cash.
~ thirim, dry cell.
Siúl ar, de, chosa tirime, to walk dry-footed.
Siúl de chosa tirime, to walk dry-footed.
Rinne sé mí mhaith, samhradh tirim, it turned out to be a good month, a dry summer.
~ grábhála, snámha, tirim, graving, floating, dry, dock.
~ thirim, dried seaweed.
~ tirim, dry grass; saved hay.
Ag obair ~ is tirim, ~ fuar an lá, working in all weathers.
Is iomaí ~ thirim a bheas ina dhiaidh, few will weep at his going.
Tá an aimsir ~ tirime anois, the weather is drier now.
~ tirim, dry plate.
Chomh tirim le ~, dry as dust.
Tirim ~, bone-dry.
Ní raibh ~ tirim ar mo chraiceann, I hadn’t a dry stitch on me.
Chomh tirim le ~, as dry as tinder.
Chomh tirim le ~, as dry as tinder.
~ tirim, dry stock.
Ar an ~ tirim, on dry land.
Ar an ~ thirim, high and dry.
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