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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for four »
four. 1 num.a. a Ceithre (lenites initial consonant of sg., prefixes h to initial vowel of pl.) The four houses, na ceithre theach, tithe. Four inches, ceithre orlach, horlaí. Scattered to the four corners of the earth, scaipthe sna ceithre hairde. b Three or four years, a trí nó a ceathair de bhlianta. c (The) four persons, (an) ceathrar. Four women, ceathrar ban. 2 num.s. a (A) ceathair. (Counting) Three, four, five, a trí, a ceathair, a cúig. Four and four is eight, a ceathair agus a ceathair (sin) a hocht. It is four (o'clock), tá sé a ceathair (a chlog). Four and six(pence), (a) ceathair agus sé pingine. He is four, tá sé ceithre bliana d'aois; tá ceithre bliana aige. On all fours, ar do cheithre boinn. To be on all four with..., bheith bonn ar aon le ... b (Of persons) Ceathrar m. To the right in fours!, faoi dheis i bhur gceathrair!
He can trace his descent above four hundred years, tá ginealach a chine aige siar tuilleadh is, breis is, ceithre chéad bliain.
Four and a half ounces, ceithre unsa go leith.
We were four besides John, bhíomar ceathrar ann, gan Eoin a chomhaireamh.
I.C.E: Four-cylinder block, bloc ceithre shorcóir.
F: To drive a coach and four through a law, ciseach a dhéanamh de dhlí.
You could drive a coach and four through his story, níl aige ach bunscéal, ach scéal gan substaint.
Mil: Column of fours, colún m ceathrar.
Opt: Four-component lens, lionsa ceathairchodach.
Agr: Four-course rotation, uainíocht f ceithre bliana.
Covers were laid for four, gléasadh an bord do cheathrar.
Four-stroke cycle, timthriall ceithre bhuille.
Mil: Two, four, deep, i mbeirteanna, i gceathrair.
Sch: The four faculties, na ceithre dhámh.
Four or five years, aceathair nó acúig de bhlianta.
(Counting) Four, five, six, a ceathair, a cúig, a sé.
Mil: To form fours, dul i gceathrair.
Four-figure logarithms, logartaim ceithre figiúirí.
To drive four-in-hand, cóiste ceithre chapall a thiomáint.
Four-leaved shamrock, seamair Mhuire.
Four hundred miles in two hours, that’s very good going, ceithre chéad míle in dhá uair a chloig, is breá an siúl é.
At four o'clock in the afternoon, ar a ceathair a chlog tráthnóna.
Four hundred infantry, ceithre chéad coisí.
To divide sth. into four parts, rud a roinnt ina cheithre chuid.
I have not seen him for the last four days, ní bhfuaireas aon radharc air le ceithre lá.
Three from seven leaves four, a trí óna seacht sin a ceathair.
It is four feet in length, tá sé ceithre troithe ar fad.
Two and two make four, a dó agus a dó sin a ceathair.
Three-masted, four-masted ship, long trí chrann, ceithre chrann.
This book measures 6 inches by four, tá an leabhar seo sé horlaí le ceithre horlaí.
Four o'clock in the morning, (i) (in daylight) a ceathair a chlog ar maidin; (ii) (in darkness) a ceathair a chlog san oíche.
I.C.E: Four-stroke, two-stroke motor, mótar ceathairbhuilleach, débhuilleach.
You must be ready at four o'clock, caithfidh tú, ní mór duit, ní foláir duit, bheith ullamh ar a ceathair a chlog.
Four-oared boat, bád ceithre bhuille.
On page four, ar leathanach a ceathair.
The other four, an ceathrar eile; na ceithre cinn eile.
A quarter past four, ceathrú i ndiaidh, tar éis, a ceathair.
At four post meridiem (abbr. p.m.), ag a ceathair tráthnóna, iarnóin.
The book is priced at four shillings net, ceithre scilling glan fiacha an leabhair.
The four quarters of the globe, ceithre ranna an domhain.
I have four remaining, tá ceithre cinn fágtha agam.
Four-roomed house, teach ceithre sheomra.
He scampered off (on all fours), ghread sé leis (ar a chromruathar).
Four score years and ten, deich mbliana agus ceithre scóir.
The four seasons of the year, ceithre ráithe na bliana.
Car with four seats, carr m ceathrair.
Four-leaved shamrock, seamar f Mhuire.
At four o'clock, sharp, ar bhuille a ceathair.
The four something train, traein a thagann (imíonn) tamall i ndiaidh a ceathair.
It took four men to hold him, níor mhór ceathrar fear lena choinneáil.
It is four o'clock or thereabouts, tá sé a ceathair a chlog nó mar sin.
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