Ag cur ~ tomhas, giving out riddles.
Bhí an sagart ~ orainn faoi na damhsaí, the priest was giving out to us about the dances.
3. Bhris an fhoighne orm, my patience gave out.
Scéal a cheartú do dhuine, to explain, give the ins and outs of, a story to s.o.
Tomhas a chur, to give out a conundrum.
Níl an tine ag cur mórán teasa aisti, the fire is not giving out much heat.
Tá sé ag cur de, he is ‘giving out’, declaiming.
Thug mé ~ bheag airgid dó, I gave him a little extra money (out of goodwill).
Tá tú ar fad ag ~t orm, you are always giving out to me.
Ag ligean mine amach ar ~, giving out meal on credit (with interest to be charged).
Tine a ghéarú, to make a fire give out more heat.
Bain as an ~ dó é, give it to him out of the kitty; pay him off.
Tá mo cheann ~ agaibh, you are giving me grey hairs, wearing me out.
Duine a ~adh, to give s.o. grey hairs, to wear s.o. out.
amach, Letting, giving, out; release, discharge, emission, extension.
~ ar eolas a dhéanamh do dhuine, to point out the way to s.o.; to give s.o. a pointer to something.
Tháinig sé go ~ leis, he gave it out pat.
Shéid sé orm, he started to give out to me.
Tarraingíodh tríd an ~ é, he was given a complete rig-out.
Bhí sé rite as mairteoil ach thug sé caoireoil dom ar a ~, he had run out of beef but he gave me mutton instead of it.
Thosaigh an ~ eatarthu, they got stuck into, started to give out to, one another.
Rud a thabhairt in aisce, go fonnmhar, le gean ar dhuine, to give sth. gratis, willingly, out of affection for s.o.
Ná bí ag ~t amach mar sin, don’t be giving out like that.
Tiocfaidh boladh bréan as, it will give out a bad smell.
Má théann den bhia, if the food gives out.
Tá an lón ag ~ orainn, our provisions are giving out.
Bhí sé ag cur thairis faoi ghleo na bpáistí, he was giving out about the noise of the children.
Tá teas ~ as an tine sin, that fire gives out intense heat.
Thosaigh sé orm, he began to attack me, to give out to me.
D’fhógair sí dó ~d síos is ~d suas é, she gave it out to him in all its details.