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Tá sé i m~ na tíre, an tsaoil, an tslua, an bhig is an mhóir, everybody is talking about it.
Ar bhéal, i m~, an bhóthair, na trá, fronting the road, the strand.
I m~ na doininne, in the teeth of the storm.
Casadh orm é i m~ na séibe, I met him unexpectedly.
~ i mbéal na gaoithe, blown drops of rain.
In aghaidh, i mbéal, na gaoithe, against, in the teeth of, the wind.
Titfidh an spéir nuair a rachaidh an ~ i mbéal na cuaiche, there will be chaos when the pipit leads the cuckoo.
I mbéal na ~, suddenly, unexpectedly.
Casadh orm i mbéal na ~ é, I ran into him unexpectedly.
Tá sibh i mbéal na ~e, you are the talk of the country.
I mbéal na toinne, at the edge of the sea.
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