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tír, f. (gs. ~e, pl. tíortha). Country, land. 1. State, nation. Pobal, dlíthe, rialtas, na ~e, the people, laws, government, of the country. Leas na ~e, the good of the country. I d~ na hÉireann, in the land of Ireland. T~ na nÓg, T~ na hÓige, the Land of Youth, Elysium. S.a. tairngire2 2, thall 2 (a). 2. (a) Region, district, territory. An ~ thuaidh, the north, northern part of the, country. Sa ~ seo againne, in our part of the country. An ~ máguaird, the surrounding country. Ag gabháil idir dhá dtír, leaving home, going to a strange place. Fear mo thíre, my fellow countryman. ~ Laoise, the Laois country. T~ Eoghain, Tyrone. S.a. cúl1 1(f). (b) People of country. Tá sibh i mbéal na ~e, you are the talk of the country. Chuala an ~ thalaimh é, the whole country heard about it. Chruinnigh ~ is talamh ann, people gathered there from all parts. Ní de thír ná de thalamh é, he is a total stranger. 3. Rural district(s). Amuigh faoin ~, out in the country. Aníos as an ~, up from the country. 4. Land (as opposed to sea). (a) Ar ~, on land. I bhfad amach ó thír, far out from the land. Dul i d~, to go ashore, to land. Paisinéirí a chur i d~, to disembark passengers. An áit ar chuir siad i d~, where they made port. Tá siad i d~, they are landed. Feamainn a chuir an stoirm i d~, seaweed cast ashore by the storm. Adhmad farraige a tháinig faoi thír, drift-wood that came ashore. S.a. bruth1 4, 5, ceann12(a), téad 1(b). (b) (In phrases) Teacht i d~ ar rud, to make a living out of sth. Teacht i d~ ar dhuine, to live at s.o.’s expense; to take advantage of s.o.; to make game of s.o. Do bheatha a thabhairt i d~, to make one’s living. Ag cur i dtíortha, (of sea) breaking over the coasts, raging violently; (of person) raging, storming. (c) (min phrase) ~ mór, mainland. Ar ~ mór, on the mainland. 5. (gs. as attrib.a.) Country, native, ordinary. Bealach ~e, country road. Buachaill ~e, country lad; ordinary lad. Ceol ~e, folk music. Gnásanna (na) ~e, native, ordinary, customs. S.a. cothrom2 2, culaith 1, éide 2, mac 5(a). (Var: m)
Tá ~ na háite, na tíre, ó thuaidh, the place, the country, has a northern aspect.
Déanfaidh sé ~ na tíre, he will ruin the country.
Bíonn cuma ~ ar an tír sa gheimhreadh, the country looks dreary in the winter.
Tír ~, barren country.
Tá ~ na tíre aige, (i) he knows everybody in the country, (ii) he is well-known throughout the country.
~ tíre, mara, landscape, seascape.
~ as an tír, up from the country.
~ mara agus tíre, the beauty, enchantment, of sea and land.
Ar neamh, ar talamh, ar tír, in heaven, on earth, on land.
Ar fud na tíre, throughout the country.
Is mór a d’~ an tír, the country has changed a lot.
I m~ nó i gcéin; i m~ nó i dtír, at home or abroad.
An tír ag dul i m~, chun ~, the country becoming waste, depopulated.
1. ~ (tíre), woven woollen cloth.
Ag creachadh agus ag bánú na tíre, plundering and laying waste the country.
Tá sé i m~ na tíre, an tsaoil, an tslua, an bhig is an mhóir, everybody is talking about it.
Bhéalraigh sí an ráfla ar fud na tíre, she spread the rumour all over the country.
~ tíre, tuaithe, countrywoman.
Tír bheannach, land of peaks, of lofty mountains.
~a na tíre, the habits of the country.
Is í ~ bán na tíre í, she is the fairest in the land.
Thart ar bhorda na tíre, around the borders, coasts, of the country.
Tír a thabhairt i m~, to reduce a country to slavery.
Ag brath na tíre, spying out the land.
~ na tíre, beauty of the countryside.
An tír a bhreathnú, to view the country.
~ tíre, sight-seeing.
Tá na tonnta ag ~eadh faoi thír, the waves are breaking on the coast.
4. ~ (farraige, le tír), surf.
5. ~ faoi thír, wrack.
Tír, cladach, a bhualadh, to touch land, shore.
3. ~ amach faoin spéir, tír, get out into the open air, country.
Níl ~ ar bith sa tír acu, they have no stake in the country.
~ na tíre, na bhfear, most of the country, of the men.
~eadh i dtír iad, they were cast ashore.
~ na tíre a thabhairt, to wander about, tour, the country.
~ na tíre, the vernacular.
~adh i dtír iad, they were swept ashore.
Ó cheann (go) ~ na tíre, from one end of the country to the other.
~ tíre, headland, promontory.
Ceannairí na tíre, the country’s leaders.
~ na tíre, the hub of the country.
Ag ~adh na tíre ar a lorg, combing out the country in search of him.
Tá ~ ar muir agus ar tír, there is a calm on sea and land.
Is iad an chlaimhe (i dtír) iad, they are a pest.
Tá sé ag éirí clóite leis an tír, he is getting acclimatized to the country.
Tír chluiche, sporting country; hunting-ground.
~ mara agus tíre, food gathered from sea and land.
Tíortha ~a, foreign lands.
~ na tíre, the unification of the country.
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