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8. Tá sé ar a ~ féin, he is on his own, free to follow his own inclinations.
In aghaidh m’fhoinn agus m’~, against my wish and inclination.
Bhris an drochrud amach ann, the evil inclination showed itself in him.
~ chun oilc, inclination towards evil.
Ár gclaonta a chosc, to curb our (evil) inclinations.
Ár dtoil chlaon, our evil inclinations.
balla, cinn, inclination of wall, of head.
~ gáire, inclination to laugh.
~ le hobair, le foghlaim, inclination to work, to learn.
Tarraingt ~, inclination to vomit, retch.
Lean sé dá ~ féin, he followed his own inclinations.
Níl sé ag teacht le mo mheanma, it doesn’t suit my inclination.
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