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luí could be a grammatical form of: luigh »
luí, m. (gs. as s. ~, as vn. luite). 1. vn. of luigh1. 2. (a) Lying down; state of rest, of prostration. Bheith i do ~, to be lying down; to be laid up. Bhí sé ina ~ ar an tolg, he was lying on the sofa. Tá siad ina ~ go fóill, they are still in bed. Bhí mé i mo ~ le slaghdán, I was down with a cold. Bhí ~ bliana air, he was laid up for a year. Tá sé ina ~ le bás, he is on his deathbed. Is fada ó bhaile atá a ~, they rest far from home. Tá cead ~ agus éirí agam, I can lie down and get up when I wish, I am my own master. ~ gan éirí air, aige! The devil take him! ~ cam, torticollis. Am ~, bedtime. S.a. seol3. (b) Lying on the ground, in store, unused. Tá an chruithneacht ina ~, the wheat is lodged. Tá an choill ina ~ ar lár, the wood has been levelled to the ground. Tá na málaí ina ~ sa scioból, the bags are lying (unused) in the barn. Ná fág na rudaí sin ina ~ thart, don’t leave those things lying about. Tá airgead ina ~ sa bhanc aige, he has money lying in the bank. (c) Lying in wait. Bhí siad ina ~ romhainn sa bhearnas, they were lying in wait for us in the gap. 3. (Of sun, etc.) Setting. Le ~ gréine, at sunset. Tá an ghealach ina ~, the moon is down. S.a. grian11. 4. Lie; slope, slant. (a)~ an chnoic, an chósta, the lie of the hill, of the coast. ~ na tíre, the lie of the land. (b)Nau:Bád ar a ~ chuige, a boat lying to. 5. Inclination, tendency. ~ a bheith agat le rud, to have a bent for sth. ~ le hobair, le foghlaim, inclination to work, to learn. ~ an bharaiméadair, barometric tendency. 6. (a) Weight, pressure. An áit a bhfuil ~ an bhíoma air, where the beam presses on it. Bhí ~ na troda orainn, we had to bear the brunt of the fight. Cuir ~ an bhata air, lay into him with the stick. Tá ~ na bhfód air, he is under the sod. (b)Rud a chur ina ~ ar dhuine, to impress sth. on s.o. Chuir sé ina ~ orm é a dhéanamh, he induced me to do it.
~ luí, bedtime.
Tá an ~ ag luí air, he is burdened with age.
Tá sé le ~, ina luí le ~, ar leaba an bháis, he is near death, on his deathbed.
~ luí, concubine.
Duine a chur faoi luí na ~e, to put the screws on s.o.
Luí faoi bhris, to endure a loss; to accept a bad bargain.
Luí na mbuillí a chur ar dhuine, to lay into, trounce, s.o.
Tá sé ina luí go ~, he is lying very ill.
Luí ar ~, to lie on the outside (of bed).
Bhí siad (ina luí) i g~ chró, they were lying in their blood.
Duine a chur a luí, to put s.o. to bed.
Ba cheart duit é a chur ina luí air, you should impress it on him.
Ina luí ar chúl a chinn, lying on his back.
Gan luí a thabhairt faoi dháil ar domhan, not to take an oath before any tribunal whatsoever.
Am luí ~, late bedtime.
Luí faoi ~, to submit to indignity.
Fág ina luí ar a fhad é, lay it down lengthwise.
Luí fút, to lie low.
Ina luí go ~, lying helplessly on his back.
Cuirfidh mé luí na bh~ ort, I’ll have your life.
Rud a chur i luí ~ ar dhuine, to persuade s.o. of sth.
Luí, titim, faoin n~, to make leeway, drift to leeward.
Go ham luí, until bedtime.
(Corp) ina luí faoi ghradam, (a body) lying in state.
Éirí, luí, (na) gréine, sunrise, sunset.
Níl a shárú faoi rás, faoi rothaí, faoi luí, na gréine, there’s nothing better than it under the sun.
Bheith i do luí, i do shuí, i do sheasamh, to be lying, sitting, standing.
Luí an ladair agat! Lie about for your meals, you lazy-bones!
Gach uile dhuine ag luí ar an ~, the weak goes to the wall.
Tá siad ina luí le gréin, they are lying in the sun.
Le luí gréine, at sunset.
~ luí, bed of repose; resting-place.
~ luí seoil, childbed.
Tá sí ina ~ luí seoil, she is in confinement.
~ (leapa, luí), concubine; paramour.
Chuir sé ina luí go ~ orm é, he made it quite plain to me.
Luí ar an ~, to lie on the bare ground.
Luí ar leaba, sa ghaineamh, faoi scáth crainn, to lie on a bed, in the sand, under the shade of a tree.
Luí síos, siar, ar do dhroim, to lie down, back, on one’s back.
Dul a luí, to go to bed.
Chuir sí an leanbh a luí, she put the child to bed.
Tá na néalta ag luí ag bun na spéire, the clouds are settling low on the horizon.
Tá an t-ualach ag luí chun tosaigh, the load is tilting forward.
Bhí an bád ag luí ar a taobh, the boat was listing to one side.
Ag luí thart, yawing.
Luí roimh dhuine, to lie in wait, in ambush, for s.o.
Luí isteach, amach, to fall in, out.
Tá an chruach ag luí amach ar an taobh seo, the stack is leaning over on this side.
2. Luí amach ar rud, to set about sth. in earnest; to abandon oneself to sth.
Luí amach ón talamh, to bear off from the land.
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