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men could be a grammatical form of: man »
Fir agus mná agus ní áirím páistí, men and women, not to speak of children.
Buachaillí ~e dom, young men of my acquaintance.
~ fhear déag, eleven men.
Tá aire na hoifige, fostú na bhfear, air, he has to attend to the office, employ the men.
Ar cheann na bhfear, an cholúin, leading the men, the column.
Lucht airm, armed men.
~ fhear, bhan, pháistí, two men, women, children.
Níor bhlais an bia nach mblaisfidh an bás, all men are mortal.
Cuid dá chéad de bhuannacht bhunaidh orthu, the cost of billeting two hundred men to be a prescribed charge on them.
Ceann feadhna le beagán buíne, a commander with a small body of men.
~ fear, roaring, shouting, of men.
~ na tíre, na bhfear, most of the country, of the men.
Le ~ fear, with men to help.
~ fear, bean, bliain, orlach, fifty men, women, years, inches.
~ fear, bean, punt, bliain, one hundred men, women, pounds, years.
Is fearr é ná ~ fear a bhfuil aithne agam orthu, he is better than many men I know.
~ fear, bliain, forty men, years.
~ fear, ban, múinteoirí, four men, women, teachers.
Ní lia ceann ná ~, many men many trades.
Chuige, a fheara! Go to it, men!
Fear a chinn ar chách, a man who surpassed all men.
Trí cloigne déag fear, thirteen men.
Bhí triúr fear os a choinne, there were three men opposite him, opposed to him.
~ na bhfear, men in general.
Bhí ~ fear, capall, aige, he had men, horses, working for him on a reciprocal basis.
~ na saoithe, the co-operation, companionship, of learned men.
Fear comhlainn céad, leader of one hundred men; match for a hundred.
Fear comhraic céad, ‘hundred-fighter’; leader of one hundred men.
~ fhear Éireann, a gathering of the men of Ireland.
A chuid fear, saighdiúirí, his men, soldiers.
~ fear, ban, páistí, five men, women, children.
Tá ~ fear aige, he has men helping him.
~ fear, bean, bliain, forty men, women, years.
Is é rí na bhfear é, ~ leis féin, he is a prince among men, in his own estimation.
Fear de na fir, one of the men.
Na dea-dhaoine, men of good will.
Lucht ~e, men of goodwill.
~ fear, ban, páistí, ten men, women, children.
~ na bhfear, the worst of men.
~ fhear, bhan, bhráthar, two men, women, brothers.
Is fada siar iarsma an drochbhirt, the evil that men do lives after them.
~ de na fir, de na mná, de na páistí, den teaghlach, den fhoireann, one of the men, of the women, of the children, of the family, of the team.
Tá sé ag ~ lena bhean, le fir eile, he is jealous of his wife, of other men.
~, éadaí, fear, ban, páistí, men’s, ladies’, children’s, wear.
Bhí ~ ar fhir óga san arm, young men were wanted in the army.
Dúshlán fhear ~ann, ar fhearaibh ~ann, a challenge to the men of Ireland.
Na fir a ~adh ar pháirc an áir, the men who were lost on the field of battle.
Fir Fáil, the men of Ireland.
~ fear, band of men.
Taobh na bh~, the men’s side; the male line.
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