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Similar words: misfortunate · fortune · importune · mistune
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Mar bharr ar an donas, ar an tubaiste, as a crowning misfortune.
Níor mhaith liom do bhris, I would not wish any misfortune to happen to you.
Tháinig sé de chinniúint orthu a gclann a chailleadh, they had the misfortune to lose their children.
Tháinig mo chuid d’uisce an cheatha orm, I had my share of misfortune; I got soaked like the rest.
Bhí sé de chithréim orm é a dhéanamh, it was my misfortune to do it.
Bhí sé de chrann orm . . . , I had the misfortune to . . . .
Chuimil an mí-ádh liom, I met with misfortune.
Mar bharr ar an ~, as a crowning misfortune.
~ a fháil, to meet with misfortune, to be hard done by.
D’imigh ~ air, misfortune befell him; he went to the bad.
D’~ go dona dom, I met with misfortune.
Dó féin a hinstear é! God preserve us from the misfortune that befell him!
Ag gáire faoi ~ a gcomharsan, laughing at their neighbour’s misfortune.
An donas seo nach furasta a iompú, this misfortune that is not easily averted.
Is ~ an mí-ádh nuair a thiocfaidh sé, let us not go out of our way to meet misfortune.
~ an Luain, unlucky undertaking, misfortune.
Ba mhór an ~ air é, it was a great misfortune to him.
Bhí an ~ ag siúl, ag rith, leo, they were dogged by misfortune.
~ den mhí-ádh, cloud of misfortune.
Nuair a thagann na míolta tagann na sneá, misfortune breeds misfortune.
~ na hainnise, the yoke of misfortune.
Bhí sé den ~ orm é a dhéanamh, I had the misfortune to do it.
Bhain ~ dó, he met with a great misfortune; he had a tragic accident.
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