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~ cheoil, piece of music; bit of a song.
An ceol, music.
~ a chur sa chuideachta, sa cheol, to liven up the company, the music.
Séid, seinn, ar, blow, play (music), on.
Glór, ceol, ~, sweet voice, music.
~ cainte, ceoil, sweetness of speech, music.
Bhog an ceol é, the music moved, affected, him.
~ cainte, ceoil, gift of speech, music.
~ scine, metallic sound; discordant note (in music).
~ ceoil, beat in music.
~ (ceoil), strain (of music).
~ i gceol, i nglór, turn in music, inflexion in voice.
Dán, ceol, a cheapadh, to compose a poem, music.
Ag ceartú ceoil, véarsaí, composing music, verses.
~ a sheinm, to play music.
~ damhsa, rince, dance-music.
~ aireagail, bailé, chamber-, ballet-, music.
~ siansach, symphonic music.
~ sí, fairy music.
~ta na cruinne, all the music of the universe.
~ do cheol, an ear for music.
Ceol a chóiriú, to arrange music.
2. ~ (cheoil), strain of music; snatch of song.
3. ~ cheoil, strain of music; snatch of song.
Ceol a chur le rud, to set sth. to music.
Ceol ~, flute music.
Ceol, amhráin, a chumadh, to compose music, songs.
~ ceoil, art of music.
~ ceoil, the composition of music.
Ceol ~, sacred music.
~ i gcaint, i gceol, impossible to express in speech, in music.
Ceol ~a, magical, entrancing, music.
~ filíochta, ceoil, piece of poetry, of music.
Tá ~ a anama sa cheol aige, he is passionately fond of music.
Ceol, amhráin, na ndaoine, folk-music, -song.
~ an cheoil, talent for music.
Tabhair ~ don cheol, listen to the music.
Le ~ an cheoil, with the excellence of the music.
~ an cheoil, na filíochta, talent for music, for poetry.
2. ~ cheoil, festival of music.
~ gutha, gaoithe, toinne, ceoil, the sound of a voice, of a wind, of a wave, of music.
Tá sé ~ i gceol, there is little music in it.
Ag gleadhradh ceoil, playing (music) merrily.
5. ~ ceoil, damhsa, music-, dance-, hall.
Tá éirim an cheoil sa ghasúr sin, that boy has a natural bent for music.
Bhí a cosa agus an ceol ar aon ~, her feet kept time with the music.
Ceol agus ~, music and merry song.
An dtig leat ceol, Laidin, a léamh? Can you read music, Latin?
~ an ceol ar mo chluasa, the music haunted my ears.
Tá cluas mhaith don cheol aici, she has a good ear for music.
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