neach1, m. (gs. & gpl. ~, npl. ~a). Being. 1. Person, one. ~ daonna, saolta, human, earthly, being. Ní fhaca aon ~ é, no one saw him. Má tá aon ~ ann, if there is any one there. Níl a fhios ag (aon) ~ beo, not a living soul knows. ~ ar bith, any one, no one. Gach aon ~, everyone. 2. Incorporeal, mysterious, being; spirit. ~ neamhshaolta, unearthly being. Tháinig ~ as an tom, something appeared out of the bush. Arsa an ~ sa choill, said the voice in the wood. Bhí ~ agam aréir i mo chodladh, someone appeared to me last night in my sleep; I had a premonition while asleep last night.
neach2. (In adv. phrase) (Nó) ~ cé acu = (Nó)neachtar acu : neachtar2.
~ duine, ~ neach, anyone.
Ní ~ do neach dul in éadóchas, one should not give way to despair.
Ní fhéachann an t-éag do neach, death is no respecter of persons.
An neach ba mhó ~ leis, the person he abhorred the most.
~ nár náir do neach, a deed of which anyone might be proud.
Is cuid péine má d’éalaigh neach, hardly anyone escaped.
Neach ~eas, one who is bountiful.
An té a shireas ní ar neach, whoever asks someone for something.
D’imigh gach neach díobh lena thoisc féin, each of them went about his own business.