Níl aon leigheas ~ is fearr ná é, there is no better remedy known.
Is beag an chabhair a bheith ag caint air, it is no good talking about it.
Ní thig léi ~ ar bith a bhaint den ógánach sin aici, she can get no good out of that young fellow of hers.
Níl maith a bheith á cheilt, it is no good trying to keep it dark.
Is fearr marcaíocht ar ghabhar ná ~ dá fheabhas, anything is better than walking, half a loaf is better than no bread.
Ní raibh aon chúis ann, it was no good.
Tá a chúlfhiacla curtha (go maith) aige, he is a good age, no chicken.
Ní raibh aon fhear ina dhiaidh ab fhearr ná é, no better man succeeded him.
Ní haon ~ é a dhéanamh, it is no harm to do it; it is just as well to do it.
Ní ~ a rá (go), there is no harm in saying (that); one might well say (that).
An bhean atá ~ is furasta a cóiriú, [’a handsome woman is easily dressed’, good wine needs no bush.
Tá ~ faoi, he is up to no good.
Tháinig ~ air, he came to no good.
Is maith scéal gan ~, no news is good news.
Tá ~ faoi, he is up to no good.
Tá ~ faoi, he looks as if he will come to no good.
Níl maith ann ag ~, he is no good at repartee.
Ní h~ dó a athrach, a mhalairt, he knows no better.
(Is é an) ~ a bhaineas (an) féar, a scythe is no better than its edge.
Bhí siad ag imeacht ó rath, they were doing no good, were going to ruin.
Ní dhearna sé maith leis, he did no good at it.
Is fearr ~ lag ná a bheith folamh ar fad, half a loaf is better than no bread.
Níl ~ ann, it is no good.
Níl ~ a bheith leo, it is no good dealing with them; they are intractable.
Ní thiocfaidh ~ ar bith as, no good will come of it.
~ caillí, ‘an old woman’s pet’, pampered child, no-good person.
Níl aon ~ orm, liom, ag a leithéid sin, I am no good at that sort of thing.
Is olc an ~ thú, you are no good at keeping a secret.
Is maith ~ gan droch~, no news is good news.
Is beag an t~ duit é, it is no great asset, not much good, to you.
Níl dada dá thairbhe agam, I am no better off for it.
Ní haon ~ dúinn an méid sin, that amount is no good to us.