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An ~, people in high places; the nobility.
Ag ~t leis na huaisle, toadying to the nobility.
Ag maíomh a uaisle agus a fholaíochta, boasting of his nobility and descent.
~ rí, uaisleachta, title of king, of nobility.
~ den uaisle, scion of the nobility.
~e agus móruaisle na tíre, the gentry and nobility of the country.
Uaisle agus ~, nobility and valour.
~ den uaisleacht, a scion of the nobility.
~ cineáil, nobility of race.
2. ~ uaisleachta, céimíochta, title of nobility, of distinction.
An ~, the nobility;
~ méine, nobility of mind.
Teideal ~a, title of nobility.
Uaisle na tíre, the noblemen, the nobility, of the country.
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